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Single Women 23-28 years old

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Is it just me or is it really hard to find a girl that is up for a relationship at this age range? Either they've just gotten out of a long term relationship so they haven't yet healed or they want to be single for a while before they're with someone again, they have kids (not that that's a bad thing) or their defenses are up sooooo high from being hurt in the past, that it's incredibly difficult for a guy thats actually genuine to break through. I will keep trying but, are other people have this difficultly? I'd like to hear what women have to say too.

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Hey, so I know that I am only 21, but I'd like to think I am a woman who could tell you what I think.


In my experience I know that sometimes, especially after a relationship ends, even if it has been a while, it is sometimes hard for a woman to commit, or rather show that she is commiting. I think that in this situation, unless she makes it obvious, you should persist, and try all options. Many women are just worried that if their guard is let down they will be hurt.


We know its not always going to happen, we just sometimes need a guy to prove himself first

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Well, I can see how this is somewhat true. But it also isn't.


For the first time in history, during that age period (mid-late twenties) it is okay and encouraged for a woman to be herself, to find a career, to find hobbies she likes. Always and forever before, a woman would be married and taking care of the home at that age. That is very liberating and sometimes the idea of getting in a serious relationship feels like you are stifling your possibilities. Its a great time to be single, you have your own place w/ out roomates (usually), your own car, done with going to school, often have available money to take vacations with girlfriends, go out whenever you want.


Also, by that age you've had your heartbroken which makes you less likely to just jump into something. I think alot of women in my area act like they aren't interested in a serious relationship b/c thats what they think men want, they've been played so many times they've changed their game.


Now, that is one side of the coin. I am on the other, two days after my 26th birthday I met JP, we were married 6 months later. Also, I don't have any girlfriends (in that age range) that are single and want to stay that way. As people get older, I think their interest in a long term partner may go down, b/c they are used to being single and only worrying about themselves.


I think you should date, without worrying about how serious it is until you start to get feelings. Listen, I don't care what any woman says on a first date, if she starts to like you and you have an intimate relationship she will change her tune about long term relationships in a heart beat, women are programmed socially and biologically to "settle down".

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The thing with the kids is just me, but when it comes to the issue of girls just getting out of relationships, me improving my technique just won't cut it. They need time to heal and no matter what I say, it's not going to make them heal any faster. But thanks for the sites, I'm always open to reading new things about the sex wars.

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You know, being a metropolitan gal myself, I suspect that girls in NYC aren't in it to win it. Marriage, that is.


MollyElise is right - it's the other stuff. The career, the independence, all of that. Now, you're a 25 year old guy - why do you want to settle down right now? Use this little window to your advantage. Date around! Take it as it comes!

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Is it just me or is it really hard to find a girl that is up for a relationship at this age range? Either they've just gotten out of a long term relationship so they haven't yet healed or they want to be single for a while before they're with someone again, they have kids (not that that's a bad thing) or their defenses are up sooooo high from being hurt in the past, that it's incredibly difficult for a guy thats actually genuine to break through. I will keep trying but, are other people have this difficultly? I'd like to hear what women have to say too.


i'm totally in this boat. i just got out of a super long term relationship and i'm soooo not ready for another. i'm single and i've never been happier. right now my focus is just on me and i'm having the time of my life. partying and dating, just went back to school, focusing more on my career. life is just perfect-ish right now. but it's not say that i wouldn't be willing to commit again. i definitely would if i the right guy came along.

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