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Well lot of people are probably not gonna like what I am asking about so be warned.


I am not a jerk but I feel like I need to make this girl a little jealous to realize what shes got.


She's 22 and I am 22 as well, we broke up about 7 weeks ago but are kind of trying things again but is there simple little things I can do whil ebeing non chalant to make her realize what she's taking for granted? I've stopped calling her and stop asking to hang out with her. I do want to make her a little jealous though. No matter what a lot of people have tried to make their exs or current partners jealous. So give me some suggestions if you want to.

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It's not always great to have to "try" and make someone jealous...the best way to do it man, is just to move on and find another girl, your last girl WILL find out one way or another. Cause personally, I've got sort of the same problem, even though I'm not sure if I exactly want this ONE girl, I'm still seeing others, and this ONE girl has heard about me and others(now she's calling more often, even though I'm not picking up), this ONE girl will see me with the other girls in person at one point or another, it's just a matter of time. I know it feels like you NEED to teach her a lesson, but trust me, don't try and force it...if it happens, cool...if it doesn't oh well, get on without it.

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Well, this strategy can easily backfire. She might realize you are trying to make her jealous and react by *laughing at you, or seeing insecurity in you that is not attractive *becoming less secure, and so moving further from you *seeing what you are doing and thinking you are a jerk for it *seeing what you are doing and not caring


If you really want tips on how to get the jealousy fueled, look at some of these posts for what tipped off people here. Also take note of the reaction and how it affects relationships.



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These games are a terrible idea and you're just setting yourself up for future pain which is gonna be 100x worse in the end. Making her jealous won't solve anything. Even if it works to spark her interest, it will only be a temporary fix and things will decline from there.


This is being done all wrong. I'm trying to save you the future heartache my friend. You took a big step with having some kind of openeing up talk with her, now go the rest of the way. Be upfront and direct about what you want. Don't settle for this inbetween zone you're in right now. It won't end pretty.

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