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I've been in a relationship for the last three months and we both quickly fell in love. Well, she moved accross the country last week for an internship and she'll be gone for four months. Funny thing is going into this thing neither of us had any doubts that we'll be together when she gets back. We've been talking on the phone a few times a day and send letters once a week. I'm just looking for any ideas for staying close and romantic other than that from some people who have had success with the whole LDR thing. Thanks in advance.

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Hi there,


I had success in an LDR for 10 months. (we later broke up for other reasons)


One thing that we did was have weekly "assignments". This helped us do something specifically for each other. We would come up with something that we wanted the other to do that week (i.e. poem, funny picture, write a story, visit somewhere new and tell the other about it, send a package)


At the end of the week, we would have the due date and then we would send the pics/stories/package...whatever was the assignment that week.


It really helped us during hard times...best of luck to you.

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