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Don't know where to stay for my final year of school...


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Hey guys,


Just wanted to get some advice on my current living situation. I have been apartment searching for quite a while now but no places really appeal to me. I don't want to make the mistake again of rooming with people I don't really like. I've done it almost every time now and it sucks. I am so scared of moving in with some random people again that I am almost considering just staying with my dad for the year. But then it will further hinder my social life. I just can't stand meeting these lease managers. They push and pull you into signing the lease right away and it makes me so uncomfortable about it that I back out in the last minute. I've tried looking in link removed as well as my school's off-campus housing website. Nothing is appealing to me yet and I have one more week to find a place basically.

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Have you tried link removed. That's how I found my apt and I loved that place. I suggest getting out and not living at home, especially in school, because you want to live the college life, you are a college student only once in your life. Try talking to the lease managers just to see the place and when they try to push and pull, say you are looking at some other properties and need some time to think, but thank them for their time and tell them you will get back to them as soon as you can concerning their apt for lease.

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I have hardly any friends at school anyway. My social anxiety and all kinds of other factors have prevented me from really enjoying the college life. The friends I do have are all rooming with each other or can't get an apartment because of their financial situation. I don't want to room with some random people again. Every time I have done it I just never really connect with them. I don't know what to do anymore and quite frankly I am sick of even thinking about this crap.

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If you don't feel like you're enjoying college life, I don't see a problem with living at home at all. Unless your dad is really restrictive, you should still be able to hang out with friends, etc. You have the rest of your life to get your own place, might as well save some money on housing while you can. Maybe later you can use what you will have saved to get a single apartment. And I totally understand not wanting to live with random people (BAAAAAAAD roommate experience freshman year, yuck!) -- that's why I'm staying at home!

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Yeah totally. Let's see ... one guy was a crackhead. Another was rarely around, so basically non-existent. Another worked all the time, so never around. Another was so dirty and gross that he left milk in our refrig that was over three months old! Another was a die hard Christian who seemed to hate me for God knows why (no pun intended). And another was just annoying. Not so sure if I want to try this potluck roommate thing again...

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What about getting a room in exchange for yardwork or something? My last year of uni I got a very sweet room for canine care (pretty involved, but I liked it) and occasional babysitting.


(Your die-hard xian / god only knows why quip cracked me up.)

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Some families or older people will let a room to a student in exchange for household help, pet care, babysitting, senior care, running for groceries or such. You could place an ad at churches and check with your student housing center. I found my deal through a professor's wife, who knew the family.


You can't party at home, and you get exposed to the inner workings of some strange person/family's life and your opinion is NOT welcome, but it was a lot saner for me than trying to live with regular flatmates.

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