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when friends need to keep to themselves

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basically, i like this girl and she is going away to college, but i still have one more year of high school left. not too long ago i found out she has feelings for me too, but she cant have a relationship because we'll barely see each other once she leaves, and as hard as it was for me, i understood this. my good friend on the other hand, who works with us, is always bothering her and telling her that she should be with me while she can. i know she doesnt want that because she doesnt want to hurt me and she doesnt want me to get attached to her. but he always brings me up when hes around her. she doesnt even want me to talk to him now because she has gotten so upset with him cuz he always pushes her to go out with me. i am happy he is tryin to look out for me, and he thinks he only intends to be helping, but he isnt. he also gets me so upset when he says how f'in stupid she is in front of me, and he told me that when they used to work on wednesday nights together, he'd fool around with her. i dont kno what to do, he thinks im jokin when i say im mad at him for how hes acting cuz he thinks hes helpin me out.

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personally, i hate people getting into my business like that unless i ask them to. you have a right to be mad at this person and i think this girl is wise in the choice she made. i would tell your friend that you are NOT joking, that you dont want to hear what him and this girl did, and that he needs to stay the hell out of your business cuz hes screwing everything up. 0X

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