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A few thought and questions over my break up

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You may have read my post about my break up.


The long and short of it is that i broke up hoping for a dramatic response - i wanted to feel needed again .


But she seemed to just accept it.


She says she did cry and was too upset to even contact me again.


so irealised a mistake and admitted it and tried to patch things up, explaining i knew i had gone wrong but she was having none of if


My question(s) is this - how can someone who has been so loving over the past few days, said things that show she loved me just change. How can she ask and expect us to just remain friends for a while.


She wanted to do things together and suddenly, she wants her own space and doesnt seem fussed on getting back together.


Its like secretly, its what she wanted and she was just waiting for ME to say it, not her.


But that makes no sense otherwise we wouldnt have been talking about the future surely?


I guess im just after some opinions.

I asked if she was reaady to talk, she wasnt yes, but she said she did miss me.


I cant see whats going on, i am deeply upset and surely if i meant something to her, so is she, but i feel like she is just living her life like the last 3 years didnt matter for anything.


Can anyone shed some light? How can someone just forget like that?

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Some people do respond that way to break-ups. It's as if they shut off a part of themselves completely. She may be trying to hide her feelings from you...and herself. Sounds like a form of denial or something. Maybe she's blocking them so that she won't hurt as much as she could be hurting. Just give her some time and hang out with her. If she really does love you then everything will work out just fine. If not...you'll find love again.

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'they' say that distance makes the heart grow fonder?

Ive noticed that when couples break up, a lot of the time there is continual communication over the next few weeks. The 'im sorrys' and 'please explains' and 'are you sures' etc. These coversations can help because we all need answers to our questions and ultimately resolution or closure.


Sometimes we get further with the 'Ok, cool, I would have liked to work this out and I love you but ok, see u later'. Maybe if we take the pressure off, let them now we still love them and then stop contacting them, we become more desirable.

You broke up with her, but now it seems like she is breaking up with you. I went through a very similar experience. I tried to work it out and then I got the same deal, so, I rang him to let him know how I felt then stopped contact. 8 of the longest weeks of my life later, he called and we got back together for another 2 years. I will never forget his mate telling me how much he admired my ceasing contact however tempting and that it was an excellent way of turning the tables.

I wish you luck.

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