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Need social advice.

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I want to make new friends because my other friends from highschool dont talk to me much anymore becaue they work alot or are going to college. I have some friends at work but we dont hang out. I also have a boyfriend, but I want to have friends to hang out with whenever he is with his friends. I try to make my friendship at work go further to hanging out with him/her outside orf work. Then I always seem to have a lost of words when talking to him/her( the awkward silence ). Or they ask for my number but havent called me. I feel like im not interesting enough. or maybe I should talk more. Any advice.


Also I have a crush on a guy and I have a BF! I love my Bf very much and we have been together for about a year and a half. I find myself thinking about my crush all the time. He also has a girlfriend and has been with her for awhile. So now I feel gulity about having a crush on the guy when I have a boyfriend. I want to be friends with my crush, but he is wicked quiet with people. Yea, out of topic.Sorry.

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if your in a relationship and you are trying to get close with this other guy cause you like him... than you arent being fair to your bf at all. You cant have a simple friendship with someone you like... it will just get complicated.


Dump your bf and take your chances with this other guy... or stay with your bf and completely forget him.

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Well, I wouldnt dump my Boyfriend. I wouldnt cheat on him. For some reason...well . I wanted to be friends with my crush. Then the more I thought about talking to him, I developed a crush on him. I havent really talked to him(my crush). I didnt get close with him either. And you didnt answer my 1st question!

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Just start up some hobbies, go out more, do anything really. Eventually even things that dont seem social but are done in public will lead to meeting new people. For example go shopping, take an aerobics class, start playing a new sport, jog in a park, do some community club thingies. Granted you should be the one to start contact if you want to be outgoing, most people like attention though so its all good. As for your "other" situation gstyle is absolutely correct. You cannot have a friendship with this guy and stay honest with your bf, at the least it would lead to or already be somewhat of an emotional affair, and almost definitely lead to more because no matter who the better is people always want what they cant get. Good luck

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