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For the guys out there. How many of you are very close to your moms? Does it make you a more sensitive, caring, etc. type of person in your life/marriage/relationship? I know that I'm pretty attached to my mother. Every time I come over, she always has food waiting for me. Homemade stuff. I love both of my parents equally, but my mom was the one I could always talk to more. My dad was kind of rough around the edges about the mistakes I made as a kid Anyway, her birthday is coming up, and I've had stuff like this on my mind lately.

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Well, Im not a man but I will share with you my opinions...


I dont know many men who are close to their mothers, but the ones who are honestly seem to be more respectful, down to earth, able to communicate and yes... more sensitive than those who are distant to their mom's. (Perhaps the fact that they can communicate is the only reason they seem more sensitive, but its not a negative thing as far as I can see.)


Of all the relationships I've been in the men have had fairly unhealthy relationships with their mothers, none of them were close in any way whatsoever, and they have all had several problems with communication, emotions, insecurities, etc... and as much as I cant prove it, or back it up, I really think that a man who is close to his mother will have an easier time with women in relationships.


One of my favorite quotes of all time is "Its not his fault he's a jerk, its his mother's". I mean who would be better to teach a man how to be a man than a woman? /duck

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great topic bro!!!!!


my oldman bailed when i was 12. im now 29. i cant thank anyone else but my mother for the life she gave me. granted i had to work very hard to get alot of things at a young age. mom did the best she could raising me and my sister. at 12 years old i became "man of the house".

at 29 years old i am still "man of the house".

some may say "your a mama's boy". ive been called out once or twice on dates by woman.

call me what you will. it doesnt faze me one bit.

i dont milk of my mother. i never have and never will. i help her.

i do everything she shouldnt be doing. from all the yard work, to remodeling, etc, etc, etc. and yes i pay reant and help with the bills.

if i didnt we wouldnt live in this nice house on a lake that we have been in for 20 years.

i could have been out of the house along time ago. why do i stay?

i feel i have an obligation to make sure she is ok.

beilieve me i will have to move out soon. ive actually been looking.


my point is i would do anything for my mother. she's a strong woman and she did a great job raising two kids on her own.


am i more sensative???? maybe, maybe not. what i do know is what its like first hand to be a child of a single parent. i wouldnt change it for anything. why you ask?? i know in my heart i will never be the same father/husband my dad was. i am a good man with morals. i treat woman with respect. i thank my mother for almost everything i have grown up to be.

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