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She's a friend and she said no.

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Ok I have been on this forum for the last few weeks as I really liked this girl that is a friend and right now this feeling is so weird. I feel like I can't breathe and I remember people saying that if you get hurt your heart feels like you've been knifed well i kinda feel like that right now.


i met a girl like 4weeks ago in a club and we became friends, we snogged/kissed on a date and then she sent me a text saying she'd like to be friends and didn't want me as a boyfriend.


well last night we spoke for ages in my car and well she pretty much confirmed to me that she really likes me but doesn't want a boyfriend and doesn't want me as a boyfriend. I have to thank her for her honesty but i'am so gutted inside.


She wants to be friends and do things together, We have a great laugh and joke together.... Yeah we do but she doesn't want me i dunno.. i don't want to be a *beep* and stop talking but i liked her in a different way that she liked me? can we still be friends?


Her and I are going out for a few drinks on Saturday night which I don't know could lead to a wrong situation but I'll have to see how it goes.. you know drink and a guy in love with a girl doesn't go... she's wanting me to take her to a gay bar is she telling me something?

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Hi Indierockbhoy !


Thanks for sharing your problem with us. Well, she does seem to be giving you mixed signals here - and the gay bar might or might not mean something. One this for sure is this.


I was in your situation about 2 months ago. I felt the knife, and I can tell you this. Hanging around with her and trying not to let the feelings come out is next to impossible. It takes a special resiliant type of person to be able to stay friends like this and not get hurt. Unfortunately, you sound like me, and are not like that resiliant person.


I would recommend you see where the gay bar thing is going. Maybe she is gay - but maybe not. If she wants you to be friends with her, maybe thats not going to work for you - and that is as simple as that.


It's a tough position, but when you let yourself in this deep, you gotta jump out fully to help yourself get over it.


Hope this helps you a bit.



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If she wants to be friends with you its perfectly OK to spend time with her as long as u treat her like a friend and not as a date or else she wins and u will become her backup guy.


1. Never pay or offer to pay

2. Limited physical contact (no hugs and kisses)



juss keepin it real,


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