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Girlfriend often needs the toilet during sex

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Hello there. Just was curious into a matter in my sex life.


Basically, on a frequent basis when having sex with my girlfriend. She stops sex and says she has to go to the toilet. This usually happens when she is enjoying it a lot.


What I want to know is why? Why does this happen? what does she have to go to the toilet



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There are a couple of reasons this may happen.

1. There are certain positions that actually put pressure on the bladder, making her need to go. Doggy always does this to me.

2. You are hitting her G-spot. Often a girl will feel like she needs to pee when she has her G-spot stimulated. If you keep going, it can lead to an orgasm.

3. She forgot to go beforehand.

4. She drinks to much water.

5. She has a bladder/Urinary tract infection.


1 & 2 are most likely. 1 used to happen to me all the time until I realised I wasn't actually going to pee.

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Maybe air got in her and she feels like it needs to come out but doesn't want to do it in front of you in case you think she farted.


Sometimes before I cum really hard it feels like I have to pee. Unless I went right before, I try to stop this sensation.


Is she capable of female-ejaculation? Because that also feels like you have to pee.


So many possibilties. I would just assure her that it's okay, if you don't mind a mess.

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I have heard that for some women the feeling of an approaching orgasm can be accompanied by a strong feeling that you are going to urinate.


I believe this is quite common and maybe someone here with personal experience may be able to assist and advise how to overcome it. Otherwise I'd suggest some research on the net.

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I ditto talking to her and asking. Could be any one of the things listed here.


Or it could be something simple and non-pee related. Maybe she just likes to take a 'breather' or refresh herself when things get very intense. Maybe she is nervous - that can make me have to pee more than usual.

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I also experierience the need to urinate just before I have an orgasm, I think it has to do with the pressure receptors that my guy is hitting and the muscle contractions that accompany it. I find that the urge passes with the orgasm, and that it's just part of the whole experience, kind of pleasurable.

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Well this is during sex. As for toilet stop before, it usually only like 30 min before maybe less, so well she should not need it again.


Erm not trying to flatter myself or anything, but from the incidences it happens, its more likely that she was about to orgasm I would say. As well it occurs usually when she is enjoying it more, and she has gone to the toilet fairley recently prior to the event.


One other thing, someone said certain positions could trigger this. Well it's only happened it bog standard mitionary position, and when she was on top. And cant really see how this would push on her bladder, but im not an expert so would not know.


Thanks for all the replys people.



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Well this is during sex. As for toilet stop before, it usually only like 30 min before maybe less, so well she should not need it again.


Erm not trying to flatter myself or anything, but from the incidences it happens, its more likely that she was about to orgasm I would say. As well it occurs usually when she is enjoying it more, and she has gone to the toilet fairley recently prior to the event.


One other thing, someone said certain positions could trigger this. Well it's only happened it bog standard mitionary position, and when she was on top. And cant really see how this would push on her bladder, but im not an expert so would not know.


Thanks for all the replys people.




Being on top could DEFINENTLY do it. I had sex in that position and I felt that sensation but I just ignored it, but I ended up gushing all over the guy, and he thought I actually did pee on him. It was so humiliating because he kept trying to comfort me instead of realizing I did something cool. So that scarred me for a good few years...


I was with a guy later on who got me over that quickly. He would see me start to get uncomfortable because I was about to cum and he would just hold me and tell me to just let my body do whatever it was going to do, and he wanted it to. Sex got messy a lot, but he didn't mind.


Sorry if this was a bit too graphic. I'm just trying to help!

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