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Need Guys Insight!!!!!

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This question is guided towards all you men out there! I need to know what goes on in your head with respects to porn.


When i ask my bf why he looks at porn his reply is: "I cant explain it" "all guys do it" "ITS A GUY THING." I get these same responses time and time again!


So why do you guys look at porn? Can anyone else explain it better then my bf....?

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PRSOV- That makes me feel even worse lol. My bf says "all guys do it EVEN if they have a gf"


Hmmm We have sex almost EVERY night. And i dont think its boring sex. We change it up a lot!! You would think that would be enough. And im not horrible looking....

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Hi sara,


The way he talks is crap as everyone is different. I try to be detailed about what struck me.


When 10 or 12 I found playboy mag in my dads home office. Ran with it to mom, she said so what. But they had a lousy sex life. She was never satisfied and him neither. He passed age 14 but the fact was IMHO a major problem in their relationship.


Myself experienced the odd porn mag in my late teens and my first porn movie around 23 and perhaps none in more than 15 years. I also have seen plenty of naked women, it does not turn me on either in a long time. Imagine some sexy (naked) chicks trying to making your bf hot and he stays cool until they walk away all


Never purchased any porn and guess it does not mean much to me. In younger years it would turn me on but not in a long time.


For turn on, erotic stories are better, lesbian erotic stories are best. My gf too in a way - less though but she sure likes a girls tongue.


My gf/I masturbate when separated for more than a week. Historicaly I think of being with my partner also when being together. Guess I must be a good animal. My gf tells me she thinks about us together as well.


Guess we really do like the real thing.


IMHO, if it (like any activity) hurts the relationship, it should be dealt with and for example he should not masturbate to it (behind your back) and give his power to you as long as you are around.


You can provide more details and we see.

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Well he still claims he doesn't look at it. But the internet history tells other wise. You know it doesn't bother me that much i jsut dont understand why he looks at it when, i think, he gets satisfied enough every night. If we hada bad sex life i would understand but i dont think we do. And hes never complained. Maybe im missing something.


Maybe its something i will never quite understand completely.


I have asked him if he wants to look at it then lets do it together. He promptly shot down this idea! Says "thats wrong!!" I dont think he masterbates to it cause i will walk up stairs and come into the computer room and see it out of the corner of my eye before he closes the screen. And hes not touching himself or anything.


I guess the one thing im glad about is the fact hes not looking at "freaky" porn or anything. I check ... to make sure hes not looking a gay porn or anything unacceptable....


Hmm for someone like him, who is very smart, hasn't seem to figure out the whole internet history thing. ANd that i know he looks ALLL the time. Like everyday...

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Hmm for someone like him, who is very smart, hasn't seem to figure out the whole internet history thing. ANd that i know he looks ALLL the time. Like everyday...

He seems addicted. Addicts lie and manipulate. Addicts also tend to cover their tracks but perhaps he does not think you are smart enough to look.


The way he talks is he too smart?


I would not be happy about lies and manipulation.


Watch him. He may need help. Research porn addiction.

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I have asked him if he wants to look at it then lets do it together. He promptly shot down this idea! Says "thats wrong!!" I dont think he masterbates to it cause i will walk up stairs and come into the computer room and see it out of the corner of my eye before he closes the screen. And hes not touching himself or anything.


An ex GF of mine loved acting out porn scenes after we had watched them together and acting out stories from penthouse letters. You could try suggesting that to him.

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As long as his porn doesn't affect your sex life/relationship with him it shouldn't bother you.


And if it still bothers you...then talk to him and make him choose. But just know he might watch porn behind your back then. So would you rather have him watch porn behind your back when he says he doesnt or watch porn and says he does?


And if watching porn really bothers you....


then find a guy who doesn't watch porn.

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Choosing your battles well makes for a better relationship.

So often in these threads, a woman will force a guy to promise to stop.

When she catches him again, it's now considered more serious because he lied, and the relationship gets rockier. In that way, a guy who's a good partner with a peculiarity becomes a lying bum who might get kicked to the curb.


Ask yourself if it's worth it because he pulls his pud with pictures when he's not making love to you.

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Choosing your battles well makes for a better relationship.

So often in these threads, a woman will force a guy to promise to stop.

When she catches him again, it's now considered more serious because he lied, and the relationship gets rockier. In that way, a guy who's a good partner with a peculiarity becomes a lying bum who might get kicked to the curb.


Ask yourself if it's worth it because he pulls his pud with pictures when he's not making love to you.

Dako, your point speaks volumes of wisdom and explains why lack of communication without change destroys relationships.


Everyone has peculiarities, and as long as these are not abusive and excessive it's allright.


In her case it seems that he does not want to open up thus disrespects her.


It does not have to be like that. I spend lot of time here and am open to my gf on my motives and activities. She does not want to share too much, but can read my posts. Fair enough. I do not lie about PM's or whatever. No need.


To make their relationship work it will be necessary that she is respected. If she accepts him enjoying some porn, OK. But he has to work on it with her. He just does not understand her, that's why she is here.


How to make him understand her?

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This question is guided towards all you men out there! I need to know what goes on in your head with respects to porn.


When i ask my bf why he looks at porn his reply is: "I cant explain it" "all guys do it" "ITS A GUY THING." I get these same responses time and time again!


So why do you guys look at porn? Can anyone else explain it better then my bf....?


It's a quick visual to aid in masterbation. That is pretty much the general reason guys watch it.


I know I also sometimes watch it for humor. Everyone who knows me knows I do this and they think it's weird. I actually fast forward through the sex scenes so I can laugh at the bad storylines and acting lol.

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Same reason other guys already posted. It is a great visual and auditory aid to masturbation. Sex toys are more of a tactile aid. Stories are more of a literary aid.


Other than than it is just a normal fantasy for guys. I think if you are really trying to understand it, you might do best trying to see the full extent of how it is a fantasy. Imagine doing anything to any man you would ever want to. Likely there is some equivalency to porn.


If a guy likes watching cheerleaders at a game for example, but would like to imagine them naked, well he can see pictures of that to safely fulfill his fantasy.

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