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Best Work out to get toned

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I dont need to lose weight, i just feel like i need to tone my stomach and butt. I'm not fat, i just want to feel better about myself.


I also need to kick my habit of not sticking to a diet..well eating the right foods. I eat too much junk and sugar and it really drains my energy. It seems like every week its the same routine, i do good for one or two days and then i decide i will start my diet at the beginning of next week. I dont know what to do!


SO, i wanted some input from you guys. Whats the best work out to do? Cardio? Just running/jogging? What kind of work out tapes could i get? What helps all of you?

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i do cardio almost every day i usually run about 4 miles and the next time i'll bike about 7 and the next one swim about 100 laps but if you are feeling an urge to eat sugar eat some fresh fruits also mix in fresh vegetables and just eat a balanced diet of course have somethin a little naughty to eat for a snack anything of your choice personally i don't do it but it won't hurt you

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I do a full body work out routine, are you familiar with some workout terms?


If not you can PM me and I can send you over a great 3 day full body workout.


Sets of reps should be in the zone of 10-14 reps.


I also recommend cardio (Pilates also as an additon sub or for a change is alright as well I think, though I have never tried it myself). *CARDIO AFTER you work out yields better results.


Of course, a bgood healthy balanced diet is ideal above all. You generally want to consume addition protien if you don't eat that much currently.



PM me if you'd like more details,




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getting toned = losing bodyfat


To lose bodyfat consist of 2 things. Diet and Exercise. Try some sort of cardiovascular exercise such as jogging or swimming 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. And for the diet, cut the junk food, soda, or anything high in sugar. You should see results after doing this for a couple weeks. If progress is going slow, try decreasing your caloric intake, or do some weight training with your cardio.

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I do a 5-6km walk. I am motivated to do it especially because of the birds and animals I see. Special butt exercises are a good back-up. Cindy Crawford had an excellent video that focused on those areas. Hunt around for special toning exercises for the deriere and your butt will be to die for.

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