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Help! I just can't get it out!!!!!

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For those who didn't follow my other post here's the deal:


I met this girl online who is a year younger than me and now going to my highschool. We met eachother during pre-season soccer practices and I've fallen deeply in love with this girl. I have two problems. I want to ask her out/tell her I like her but I just can't get it out. I guess I'm still scared of rejection and I can't bear to be without her now. We went running early this morning, as we are both physically active, and I had the perfect chance to ask her - for one whole hour! I just couldn't get the guts up to just tell her how I feel or ask her on a date. She's been nagging me to tell her who I like online since the subject came up that I do like someone. I told her to ask me tomorrow (Thursday) the last time she wanted to know (Tuesday) so, tomorrow I HAVE to say what I feel for this girl. I feel as if she really likes me as well because lets face it, would you go running with a guy you've only talked to online and seen a few times at soccer practices? Is this a sign from her saying that she likes me too? I can't stop thinking about the reaction on her face when I tell her who it is I have adored, will it be a look of happiness and glee or one of disapointment?


What should I do? I really need help with what to say to her once she does ask me who it is and how to get it out! I will most likely just say "I'll tell you later" again because I'm so scared that I've fell for false signs again. I can't stand to lose this girl, even if I don't have her already. Please help! I need this information tonight! The sooner the better. Thanks!

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Ive in the same situation. Just tell her ...No use in just waiting it out. What if something were to happen.....say like she moved and you lost contact with her......man that makes you regret it soooo much....Better to tell her now then keep it .....Remember you only live once!......And keeping it in isnt healthy for you anyway.....good luck!

"You only live once, live it to the fullest"- joey_jc_87
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This is coming from a girl but just be up front and tell her that you've liked her for awhile. It's better to say it and have to teeniest chance of getting rejected or to hold it in and never know would could of happened and regret it later. The main reasons guys get rejected is because they ask out the wrong kind of girl (obviously) but if she's running with you, and talking to you, and hanging out with you, she must like you in one way or another. I think you should just ignore the "what-ifs" and just tell her. Good luck!

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Hey edge,

Sounds like she is a good choice, you seem to have some things in common. I am going to give you the good and bad, just to see the whole picture.


My thoughts on this are.... if it scares you, than you don't have to express all these feeling you have.... actually they may scare her off a tad. But what you want and should do is just ask her on a date, and leave it at that. Save the expression of feelings until after the date.


That way you don't have to worry about rejection from your feelings, maybe just a turn down on a date...which is not nearly as bad. This will also make keeping her around easier ...how? Lets say worst case...she says no...She will feel less strange if it was just a date request....than if you it was an expression emotions.


I know that it is scary to put yourself out there, and I know sometimes we think its safer to just stand where we are, but all growth comes from movement...and you cannot have success without movement.

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I totally agree with segagirl here. What I did was I wrote a letter to a girl, and she was blown away by it (in a good way). But things got out of hand and quickly went to hell when I let all of my feelings out. I guess some things are better kept for later.

I'd say, go ahead and ask her out at the end of a run, or something. If she declines, you don't have to spend 1 hour being uncomfortable or anything. Bring up the fact you guys have alot in common.


Sieze the moment though. Regrets burn holes in the soul.

Best of luck!

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I agree with all the posts about asking her out, but one thign I wanted to add, I dont know your age but I am assuming that you are in HS from Soccer practicesm but the thing that caught my attention was the whole her wanting to know who you like online, and you saying you will tell her later, I think she already knows whats going on, and in her own way she is trying to get you to own up to it. I would agree with Segagirl, ask her for a date before you lay your heart in her hands, this would be less awkward and a little easier to move on from then if you laid everything on her at once. Good luck and keep up the Soccer!

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I agree with all of the other people's advice. Im kind of going thru the same thing as u r going. Im a girl and i like this guy and i always ask him hu he likes, and i really really want to know it badly, becasue i like him. They're right, we only live once, dont waste your precious time when you're with her. If you really reall like her, and possibly love her, just tell her how you really feel. Ask her out as soon as possible because i think she likes you too. Dont wait for another time just do it now, because who knows maybe next thing you know she's already taken, and u will regret that u didnt ask her out!. I guess you should just follow other people's advice and also my advice because as of experiences i think they'll work. GOOD LUCK!

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