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(i am a 16 yr. old Male with a 19 yr old girlfriend...) OK, once again, I DO NOT UNDERSTAND MY GIRLFRIEND AT ALL! She has guy friends who when they come to visit her, she jumps up and kisses/hugs them, but when im there, she doesn't do anything...not even say HEY! I asked her what the deal was and she said "I dont kiss by boyfriend infront of my friends, but i kiss my friends (guys only) infront of my boyfriend" WHAT THE FREAKING CRAP?!?!?!?!? She always treats me like i have no feelings what so ever! I love her so much and i tell her that all the time. Sometimes she doesn't even say "i love you too" because she "doesn't feel it." If she doesn't love me then why does she stay with me?!?!? The only time she tells me she loves me is if she messes up and does something to hurt my feelings! I feel like i have to be in a life and death siruation just to get her freaking attention! It seems like she only cares about me when she has nothing else to do. She goes out with her friends and forgets to call me. i cannot trust her anymore because she lied to me. when i am with her, a stranger would think we are just friends...there is no sign of relationship at ALL! please reply to this and tell me something...i'm desprate!!!

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She is 19 and your 16, i think that might be the problem? age gap...some people say its a problem. Me personally i think it's doesn't matter at all.


But girls at a young age generally have more of an attraction to OLDER guys..Why..? I'm not sure myself, Why does she act like your not around, that your not important to her. well i hate to say this but it's obvious she isn't interested in you. did you say something, do you act immature around her and her friends? She says she loves you...Pshhhhh Please by what you just posted she is playing you man. keeping you in a CHECK, Dump her..it might be what she wants.


no communication in a relationship isn't a healthy one. I would Dump her in front of her friends as bad as that sounds you have to think what YOU FEEL like when she ignores you...you feel left out. sad, upset, confused.


I'm sure all those feelings have occurred more than one time. DUDE your young, she's Dumb, You have tried every other approach to try to work things out....and i would find someone a little younger, 19 and 16..er she is most likely not attracted to you because of some reasons. and if you ask she might get offended and Dump you, Beat her to the punch you deserve better. Lose her man...

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In your situation I think it may be your ages.


I don't want to seem harsh or anything but maybe you are too young for her? Maybe she just realized but doesn't want to hurt you.


Or it could be she is more of a friend to you because you are only 16. It could be that she feels awkward because she is older and sometimes she feels that she limited her standards to a 16 year old.


I think you could do much better with someone your age.


It seems like she is ashamed of you and just using you when no one else it there. She'll know that if you stay with her that she has someone to fall back on after she is all partied up or whatnot.


Hope I helped.

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its all about the age homie,i agree with s4il,young girls like older guys...why? i have no idea,havent come up with the answer yet,like my self if your wodering,i like girls that are younger then me because if you are dating an older women she tents to "have othe stuff to do" and if you are older she will want you more.....well because your older,see it doesnt make any sense,


you should play some sort of a trick on her,tell her friend to tell her why is she acting/being that way,but tell her friend to not tell her that you want it to know........well good luck homie

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