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okay i hate my vagina! i said it.

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this is probably weird coming from a teenage girl but other people my age tend to be conscious of their weight, or their thighs or whatever but seriously i completely hate the appearance of my vagina.


one being its totally huge and a guy once poked fun at me and called it camel humps when i had my underwear on because it bought out that much under my panties. it looked like a a buldge in a dudes tight boxers. like the lips are pretty huge and i wasn't being gross or anything but i looked at it with a mirror the other day and they're so big it reminded me of a guys testicles.


im getting paranoid about it and im too embarrassed to let a guy see my big enormous stupid thing. and its so wrinkly inside like i can hardly find my clitoris and its just so large like ughh, i cant even feel any kind of stimulation, when i touch myself. to be honest i dont think guys ive been with in the past could find it either, and i fear i'll never experience an orgasm. is it possible to like not even have a clitoris? because on a totally frank note, when ive been with a guy (whom of which have all been relationship involved) there was never an incredible feeling down there when we did stuff. not even when he performed oral on me. is there something possibly wrong down there? i remember laughing at the tv for a woman getting a plastic vagina surgerical operated enhancement or whatever its called now i would actually consider it. im getting annoyed too at that fact that i cant even please myself let alone try with another person. grrrrrrrrrrrrr i hate hate hate it!

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It's a vagina

It's not meant to look good or beautiful

It's not on your face dear

& there isn't a particular way one is meant to be formed

It's a subjective thing, and comes in all different kind of sizes etc.

It may be as you described it to be large, that you cant find your clitoris.

To me it's unknown for a girl not to have one

You make yourself sound like a woman with manhood down there or something.

referring to it looking like a males testicles and what not.

If as you said have been in relationships before and experimented with a guy, they must obviously have not found anything wrong down below for them to do things with you.

A man performing oral sex on a girl pretty much gives him a full insight of everything down there.

If your worried about having no kind of stimulation, that i'm not sure about.

I've never experimented myself with touching and what not, i don't know what the possibilities are of a clitoris failing to respond to self pleasure.

Anyone help her out on that ?

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I think that your inability to orgasm is linked to your insecurity about your vagina, if its something that you worry about then it will never happen. An orgasm will happen when you are relaxed and comfortable. If you really hate your vagina and you have the means to correct the problem then consider having surgery.

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Don't take this the wrong way, but I have always like them the way you described yours.


But your inability to orgasm is a common problem with women, and a lot of the time it is all psychological.


You might just wanna do some research online, you could probably find enough information to help you.

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lol does anyone have a hot Vagina!!


i agree with day_walker that not orgasming maybe have something to do with your preceeption of your vagina......... so love your vagina for what it is, and all your problems will be solved. hehe

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All vagina's are ugly (some refer to it as an "axe-wound").


If it really bothers you, I would see a doctor to make sure you're all normal and there is no unnatural swelling etc.


Don't worry about anyone that laughs at you. Most guys would be happy just to get some action. The guy who laughed is just a jerk. Not all of them are like that, no matter how much it seems that way.

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There is actually cosmetic surgery that can make your vagina look more aesthetically pleasing...Not saying that there is anything wrong with the way it looks now! But if you are very insecure about it you might look into this...


Also, no one, except your partner, is EVER going to see your vagina...

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Some guys certainly are jerks and can sense if you feel insecure about something so they will tease you even if there may not even be a logical reason for it. I used to be teased by guys in younger years but it was due to thie own insecurities because I have had good lookers after me later. As you get older you will learn to appreciate yourself more and these feelings should settle down. A lot of people have things about themselves they wish they could change and if it becomes a deep concern to you after a time and something you cannot psychologically accept I would only have surgery as a very last resort. It could be painful and look into and shop around thouroughly for a kind and trustworthy doctor if this is something you decide.

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  • 2 months later...

I think most women hate their vaginas, I know I do. They're bl0ody ugly things. And as someone said, they're not supposed to look pretty, but to be honest, I don't think guys notice half the things that us girls do.

As for the 'not being able to pleasure yourself' situation, maybe you just haven't found a method that feels right for you. As a teenager, you're still discovering your body, so don't worry so much!

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they're pretty much a turn on when attached to a woman who wants me.


I've never seen one in person what wasn't pretty.


Don't even consider getting surgery for any head tripping you are doing.


Even if the guy made a foolish comment don't assume he was criticizing your muff. He may have merely been admiring it dear.

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I've heard, too, that plastic surgery can do something for this (maybe it was on Dr. 90210?).


But I'm not advocating that you do that. If you think you will be able to get over this and accppt this as a part of you, then great. Give yourself some time. But if you really cannot deal with it, then screw it, do what makes you happy. Don't do it for men- do it for you. I would. But that's just me.

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Hun, don't stress. Vagina's aren't supposed to be pretty. And you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned how teenage girls stress about body parts and their body image: you're just stressing and obsessing over something which you need not worry about And I can assure you, that guys probably won't inspect your private parts as thoroughly and critically as you do yourself!

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