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Thanx for the help i've read the links, and yeah. . . but how do i stop wanting to tlk to him? and how do i rid myself of him?

Read these documents until you understand. Sorry, it will be tiring.


Abusers like him break your lines of communications and trust with others. It's like a bad spell from a horror flick. Our brain is adaptible, it makes us good at what we do, even being abused.


There is another rape victim on this site who may have been setup by a female friend who in turn may be another victim of that rapist and feeds him women. Unbelievable?


You will get better, You have to let the past go, focus your love and care on NDG and develop positive thinking.


I suggest you read and follow this first 142714&highlight=I+did+some+personal+growth+exercises] I did some personal growth exercises[/url]


X, it will take time, you have a hell of a life for 15 years, in a few months you will be better. Please be patient and do not give up.


Your brain will adapt to the positive you as well, do not worry.


The eNotalone community and NDG will be here for you.

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well we cant fault you on bad spelling as u have already warnd us tht you are dyslexic


Yep I long since lost any upset for my bad spelling its as much part of me now as my feet,

good news I get brains in other areas like of vitule use like soup making and Ping Pong.


OK Here are some links which I feel my help you with info on Rapes here in uk


Start with Beeb they have a garte site here, they have meta links as well to some of the key sites,


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They have a link to Rape & Sexual Abuse Support Centre RSASC which is a very good sit have a look at them and let us know what you think.


when and if your ready call them they will put you on to local help where you are if you would like it.


Also if you have a NUS (National Union of Students) rep at school they have loads of help to school goers which is tailered to teens at Home.


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If you can see a cousellor often and trust her, it would be best because talking face to face is best.


However if you can't we can talk here or by PM anytime.


You have to get through a few months without being too unhappy and without SH.


If you can do three (3) months, you should be fine because your brain will make you more happy.


Three months is not long but also not short.


ASAP, I suggest you read and follow this first 142714&highlight=I+did+some+personal+growth+exercises] I did some personal growth exercises[/url]


Please trust me, it will help you to move towards your future and prepare for college.


01:17 - tried, but failed...

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ok i know this isnt the end of this thread as there is a lot to cope with and to sort out, but i would like to give a great big thankyou for all that have helped, without you guys i fear that i would have lost the one i loved and for that i am forever in your debt, thankyou so much and another thankyou for making me realise that i do play an important role and that i arent as useless and i first thought, thankyou

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less than a day and __x has had already been in contact with her ex, i dont know what to do please will someone talk some sense in to her, its killing me knowing that whatever i try isnt being taken on board, i told you all i was wothless i cant do anything, whats the point in living if you can only stand and watch the one yo ulove destroy herself???

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X, About Jon, we won't control you, all we can do is to advise you. Jon is a very sick and dangerous person. I hope he stays in therapy. How old is he?


NDG, I appreciate your feelings. My first love and wife was a child rape victim who never was treated. We spent more than 9 years together. I could not help her. I fought much with her and made it worse. All I can tell you: Firstly, be patient and advise X positively and encourage her to look forward to a better future and work for it. Secondly, develop yourself for your positive future.


If all works out, both of you will strong and happy together. If not, you will still be strong enough to find your way on your own.


One of the lessons I learned on eNotAlone is: One can be a loving healthy partner to ones loving healthy partner. I say this often, I know.

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