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My nerves are a big problem.

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Hey all,


At the moment I'm on summer break. I basically have to wait for a letter from my college to tell me my grades and then I can enroll and pick my AS courses. I was thinking of doing media, law and possibly English lit.


Now I feel I could do these courses and could do well, however I am a very nervous, panicky kind of person. I find it incredible hard to not worry about things and I do not deal with pressure very well at all. I realize that AS subjects require deep in depth kind of studying and a lot of focusing on the subject.


I really am worried that I am going to pick the wrong course, not enjoy it, fall behind, get pressured by exams etc ... and I have no idea what to do. I lack confidence. I don't want to fail my courses, I want to do them and go on to university. I want to next year at this time, be thinking, "Right ... I have one more year left and then I'm off to uni!"


I do not want to re-sit my courses.


What should I do? I am worrying big style. I can't always adapt properly to a classroom environment. I will end up putting myself down over something I'm sure of it.


Can anyone suggest any advice or tips? I'd be so grateful!


Take care everyone,


Miya xx

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Your are bright, articulate and intelligent and you got a good report from your college. My guess is that if you start believing in the potential you obviously have you can achieve pretty much anything you want.

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Hello again,


I do start thinking to myself at the beginning of every term "I can do this" and I repeat it in my head until it drives me crazy. It makes me feel confident right up until I meet a barrier. The barrier is stumbling accross something I can't fix. Like for example not understanding work, disagreeing with class mates or just genuinely not fitting in to the classroom environment.


Once I meet this barrier, I pretty much back down and stay down because I can't find the encouragement I need to rise back up again.

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I'm a worrier too. The funny thing is I graduated college eons ago, and I still have nightmares about not getting assignments done or about cramming for tests. All these years worrying I've learned several things:


1. Worrying is pointless. If I'd had spent half the time exploring possibilities that I spent worrying, I'd have been a lot happier and more productive.

2. Life is a lot easier when we ease ourselves into things. You don't have to know what you want to do with your life right away, but getting there takes time, so it's well worth your time to explore your options a little every day.


If you're not sure what course to study, do a little reconnaisance. Figure out what it is that attracts you to these courses and which is the most likely to keep your brain engaged. Talk to students currently studying those majors and ask them what they like and don't like. Shadow people that are currently working in fields you're interested in and talk to professors to see if their work interests you. Drop by the bookstore and peruse the books you'll be using if you choose those majors. (Studying feels effortless if the subject is something you're really passionate about.) Talk to counselors and learn about the job growth potential of these fields. The more you know, the easier it'll be to make a decision that suits you.


Lastly, what I've learned since graduation is that there are no "right" or "wrong" majors. A good education will serve you well no matter what you study. For example: If you're still undecided after all your research, you can pick a major as general as English Lit and add course work later if you decide to go a more specific route like Law or Media.

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With the world at your feet

There's no one you can't beat

Yes it can be done

With the world at your feet

There's no height you can't reach

This could be the one

It's calling, it's calling you now

You know it's going to be your time

'Cause the world is at your feet, yes the world is at your feet.

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Thanks for pointing that out to me. I just worry constantly about not being good enough or my work not being good enough. I really want to be good enough. I enroll in August so I'm making sure I'm picking courses that I know I want to study.


I feel really happy with Law, media and English lit.




Thanks for that advice to. I'll be going in college to enroll soon and so I will ask last years students on what they thought of the course.


Thanks for the advice. Oh and you might occasionally find me ranting on about things like this by the way ...




Miya xx

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