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Okay i know this is kinda an odd question to ask but my boyfriend and i want to have sex tonight but idk because im on my period and i dont know like what to do about that. I mean will i bleed real bad while we are having sexual intercourse or what. & i dont want that to like freak him out or anything. I have never done this while during that time. So it would be nice to get a little advise form ppl that has been there done that. Please and thank you.

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It is hard to say how much you will bleed. It would depend on what day of your period you are on. It would be best to avoid a lot of mess.. to have sex early in your period or right near the end so there is less blood.


If you must have sex while on your period, then yes use a thick towel underneath you. And by all means be sure he knows in advance you are on your period. Some guys are kind of weird about that.


A nice shower once you are done will feel best probably for cleaning up afterwards.


Be sure you are using protection even though you are on your period. Well use protection at anytime, actually. Some people think that you don't need to if you are on your period, but that is not the case.

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