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she talks so little

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i asked this girl out today, she gave me her number without me asking a couple days ago, i told her we'd go to a really nice resturant and movies after that. she said yes and i was so happy. The problem is she doesn't talk that much to me. i mean does she even like me at all?? if she wants to do all this wouldn't she like me? i was talkin to her on the phone and the convo went nowhere. i tried talking to her but it's so hard and she gives me a couple word responses.

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I know a few girls who don't care to talk too much on the phone. She has to like you if she said yes to a date, right? I know I wouldn't go out on a date with a guy unless I liked them. Maybe she'll talk more in person on your date. Try and ask her about her interests, family, future plans,etc. She may just be shy as well.

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that's how i was, i talked soo little cuz i din't want my guy ta think i was stupid or somethin lol. but now i'm opening up a lil more. now i don't talk a lot cuz i feel so safe and calm with him. but we're talkin more, so don't give up. i'm sure she likes ya if she did that stuff, maybe she's like me n jus don't wanna do anythin stupid in front of ya haha. meh, stay in there bud! bye-now

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I think the phone and face-to-face situations are two totally different arenas. I bet she'll open up when you see her on your date. She might be shy, or maybe just extremely modest. Maybe try goading her to tell you more about herself.

Might just be as simple as "read any great books lately?"




Have fun on your date!

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