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I'm meeting with ex after 2 months of NC

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I'll keep this short ..


- The breakup was mostly my fault

- I contacted her via email and phone but she would not answer me

- I finally sent her an email saying that I loved her, missed her, and thought about her every day. But if she had someone else in her life or if she was angry at me, then I understand and wished her the best, but that I wouldn't be contacting her anymore.

- The next day she emailed me suggesting we go out for dinner

- We're meeting tomorrow. When I talked to her on the phone, she was still a bit cold and suggested we each take our own cars.


I see the signals as mixed - what do you think she's thinking? I've lost my capacity to think objectively.

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I honestly don't know what to think. I suppose it's best to attend the dinner and hear her out. If she asks for not space, then abide by the no contact rule. This means no more emails, no more calls.

She can't asking for space .. in my last email I told her that would be my last email unless she chose to contact me. She then contacted me and asked to meet for dinner.

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hmmm lets see i personaly think that if she is still cold about everything then your lil dinner isnt gonna be all so pleasent i do agree with raingate tho i think she is just goin to ask for her space and if she does you should give her exactly that. but then again we could be wrong

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