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Be occupied. Don't stay at home all day long alone waiting for tme to pass. This is absolutely necessary so that time passes quicker and you are distracted so the strain is eased and depression relieved. Don't let it consume you, separate the depressive you from the real you. Don't be its friend.Get out of the house and be with people.


If it is some problem that brings you down, find a solution by talking to someone you trust..

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You have to peel away the layers and figure out the ROOT or CAUSE of your depression. Perhaps write everything down in a journal and see if you can find patterns. Then decide how you would go about fixing what is bothering you.


If you can, go to the library and read self-help books on depression and inspirational books. Exercise! It helps. Running is good, and try relaxing exercises such as Yoga and Pilates. They really help with stress and becoming in tune with your body and mind. truly.


Once you figure out what is truly bothering you, keep yourself busy. Go out, get involved in your community, volunteer, help others, try something new. I advise figuring out what the true cause before keeping yourself busy because doing so can prevent you from coming face to face with what the underlying issues are.

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Bethany's right.


As far as "curing" depression, that's a tall order. For some, depression is a condition to deal with for a long time, for others it's a phase that passes.

Developing methods of coping will help you for a lifetime, whether you need them or not.

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