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How to breakup with someone?

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I was watching MTV last night and I saw a trailer for the new season of Laguna Beach. It is a show about a bunch of spoiled bratty rich kids etc. Anyway one of the guys on the show has a girlfriend that he wants to break up with and he did not know how to do it. His buddy told him the only way you can break up with a girl is to cheat on her!


I was appalled by this statement but it is not the first time I have heard of it. Have guys turned into all time cowards these days? I have heard of guys that break up with girls by just never calling them again (how rude). Is it that hard to break up with someone? Why would a person rather cheat on their SO to break up with them, rather than to tell them the truth? Do you guys know of anyone that was too chicken to break up, so they acted like a fool just so the other person would do the breaking up for them? I have never had a problem expressing my feelings when I have broken up with someone. Why are some people such cowards?

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well, i know of some guys who have purposely acted like jerks so their exes would break up with them first. that sounds like it's a tactic in the same vein as the one you mentioned, only much less severe.


some people will do anything to avoid having to take responsibility, or doing something that feels uncomfortable. even if it means disrespecting another.


selfish people break up selfishly.

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I have seen it from both ends in the last 12 months. My recent ex dumped me last summer from 500 km away over the phone two days after insisting that we start talking about marriage, only for me to find out she had already found someone else and never told me. Six months she came back, and she seemed really willing to mke amends, but four months into it I discovered I just didnt have what it toook to make it work, i was too jealous, to untrusting. so, i had the longest, and most difficult coversation fo my life on a park bench three nights ago after a month of a break to think about it. I wasnt even convinced I was doing the right thing, but ist what I ended up doing. There was no one else, no secrest, just my own weakness and fear at letting her go, and her sadness that it wasnt working. Its hard, but hopefully it will make for less long term wounds.

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Thats an interesting story. She wanted to talk about marriage? My ex did the same thing to me talked about marriage,then he gave me the boot (he had a chick on the side). I think that you did the right thing. If you can't fully forgive someone or trust them it is best to just let them go. At least you talked to her about your feelings. I know alot of men that cannot express themselves and tell thier SO how they feel. I think you broke up with her in a proper manner unlike the way she broke up with you.

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