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What do you find to be NOT attractive?

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The biggest turn-off for me without a shadow of a doubt is....




Cannot stand to see someone where their nails are half eaten off - makes me feel sick.


Other than that the list would be the usual...no sense of humour, shallow, opinionated, doesn't listen, body odour.........

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The things that are UNATTRACTIVE in a guy for me are:



7. When guys do " comb overs " to cover up a bald spot. I rather see the bald spot on top than to see the hair on the side grown long enough to make the comb over and then the comb over hair doesn't really stay in place anyway.




oh.... lucky number 7 !!!


HA HA HA - LMAO ... that is the funniest thing i've heard this year. everyone knows it but actually hearing or should i say reading it is really funny !!!

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first and foremost

1.LYING I truly hate a liar!

2. Cheater

3. Being too quiet, can't carry on a conversation!

4. Into themselves

5. Believes they do no wrong and put the blame on someone else.

6. Unkept, dirty and grimy.

7. No sense of humor!!!

8. Lazy!

9. Missing teeth.

10. Boring!

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WIMPY, being opinionated is a turn off to you?


Mmmmm perhaps not the right word...I like people who have an opinion - what I meant was the type of guy who won't listen to anyone's else point of view because "they're right" all the time - I guess it might come under the heading of arrogance.


Thanks for pointing it out though Scorpio- having re-read it I think that didn't quite come out right.

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