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Ok so i read guys horribley, so I need a little insight. Ok so i've hung out with this guy maybe 3 times this week k. I've met him before a number of times at my friends parties, but we actually started hanging out and talking. Well it turns out we went to school together in elementary and didn't know so we had kinda a lot to talk about. Well He started getting cuddley and kissey and stuff, and he's like really sweet. he's always giving me complements and telling me im cute. Well the last few times i've hung out with him, i've ended up falling asleep by him and cuddling most of the night. And in the morning and before I leave he's always huggy and gives me a kiss and all. Well I'm just wondering is this actually a guy liking me, or just a guy trying to get in my pants???

im so horrible at this and don't really want to read this guy wrong cause i kinda like him so far.



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Has he tried anything yet? Also, how does he act toward other girls?


I was in a similar situation recently. As in, I had all-night cuddling sessions with this guy several times, where nothing actually happened. I had the exact same concern as you did. However, he never actually tried anything more than kissing.. finally I decided to just ask him if he liked me or not, rather than sitting around and wondering if he was just trying to get into my pants or whatever.


So.. I ended up telling him we needed to talk, and what followed was this really awkward confrontation, but he did end up admitting that he really liked me, and asked me to be in a relationship. So... I don't know if you want to try that, but I did it because I really liked him and was tired of waiting for him to make a move.

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If you spent the last few times falling asleep with/next to him and he hasn't tried anything then I don't think he's trying to get in your pants. So to speak.


If you really like him, why don't you ask him out instead? Ask him to go to a dinner and movie with you sometime and see how things pan out. Good luck!

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Well the first night i actually talked to him, we were all playing this drinking game and (7's 11's and doubles) and he got to make a rule. He said whoever loses blah blah they get to kiss the girl and i was the only girl playing at the time. and I was like why, and he's all well i keep losing so i may as well make it so i get to kiss you. he lost and got to kiss me but he didn't mall me or anything it was just a little kiss and he got all red. and then I ended up making out with him a few times that night and the night after, but he never tried anything. then this morning when we woke up he was kissing me and we did end up messing around a bit more, well him with me anyway, he didn't ask me to do anything, but he took a long time to get to the point where he would do it. He kept hinting at it and then he'd back off like he was shy with it or like he didn't wanna make me upset. so i don't know, cause he's not like constintly malling me, but if I give the ok to kiss me he'll do it. I think i'll have to ask him what it's all about, if it's cause he's got a little crush, or because im a girl there at the moment.

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