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How do I get over hIm

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I don't understand what is wrong with me. This relationship was unhealthy to begin with and I knew that. He did not treat me the way I thought I should be treated. Now he wants nothing to do with me. I just can't stop calling and e-mailing him. I really want to know whats wrong with me. I know he hates me. But why do I keep pushing for something..but I know I can get better and be in a much more healthy relationship. I just want to erase him from my head, never think about him agin. What hes doing..who he is with.. I don't want to think about any of that.

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yes, I did in the beginning. I like snuggling with him...I like it when he was sweet....I like going places with him. are relationship was great before I cheated..and then he cheated.. and before he started to hate me. Hes moving to Canada I was suppose to go with him.. Now he says he will never take me because all we do is fight.. I hate him

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i know what u mean...I had to erase my boyfriends(possibly ex - thats not quite decided yet) number from my phone today to stop me calling and messaging him. Of course I know the number off by heart but because you have to physically dial the number it allows you to stop and think before you press dial. He was always the last number dialed on my phone and speed dial made it so easy!

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Well i dont mean to sound harsh, but the moment you cheated on him, you probally erased all trace of trust he had for you. Subsequently he lashed back and it ended in tears, perhaps the one that should learn from there mistakes is you. You really should have controled yourself, if you wonted the relationship to go somewhere you must take into concideration everyone affected by your actions.

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  • 2 months later...
Well i dont mean to sound harsh, but the moment you cheated on him, you probally erased all trace of trust he had for you. Subsequently he lashed back and it ended in tears, perhaps the one that should learn from there mistakes is you. You really should have controled yourself, if you wonted the relationship to go somewhere you must take into concideration everyone affected by your actions.


Yea, I agree on that one. Usually when someone cheats, not only is the trust lost, but so is the respect that person had once had in you. Basically in his eyes, he was trying to work it out, but could never see you the same way, in his eyes, he saw two personalities of you.

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