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I dated this guy for 10 monthes and we fell deeply (or what I thought to be deeply) in love. I had never felt this strongly about anyone before and just everything about him was perfect for me. We just connected. Everything in our relationship was fine until a few things started to interfere in our relationship.


The first one was his ex gf. They had dated for 3 years and still remained friends. I didn't like her and neither did many of his friends and he still continued to see her and hang out with her, even when he was dating me. This really bothered me because he said when he was with her he told her he loved her and she was the one that broke it off with him. He assured me that nothing would ever go on between them, but I am a firm believer that someone you were involved with romantically, especially for such a long time you can't be friends. There is too much history. And she also treated him like * * * *, and the list goes on...


Anyways the second thing that kept coming in between us was his job. He was a paramedic so he spent a lot of time out of town and worked most weekends. I could have reacted better but I loved him and I missed him when he was away and I was just really frustrated with the situation.


Then finally around the 7th month we had been together his mom announced to him that his family was moving back to ontario. After that things were increasingly difficult. He started acting weird and after I while I could tell something was up. It eventually came down to him saying he wasn't sure that he felt the same about me anymore and he didn't want a relationship.


It really hurt but for a while I thought we just needed a break so we talked and decided to go on a break. About a month after that he told me that he didn't want this anymore, etc. Then I found out later that he was moving out and he had found a room mate he neglected to tell me about. His ex gf. He again claimed it wasn't to he could be with her but it was because they were friends and he couldn't pay rent on his own.


I was wondering if anyone was ever had someone they loved pull away from them because they could cope with a relationship? If so did they ever come back and what happened. I still really love my ex but he knows that and I hope he can realize that he loves me too if all this * * * * is ever settled out. Any advice or similar stories out there? If soo plllllzz help. I am willing to listen to anyone at this point because I am so confused and frustrated.


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