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i think i lost my best friend (long but need advice)

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ok so My best guy friend down here got out of jail. and we've been hanging out a lot cause we haven't seen eachother for like 4 months (jail thing). any way we both like eachother and have made that very clear to one another, we just don't know what we're gonna do cause his best friend is my ex. well anyway he might rent a room from my aunt and I. WEll so i was supposed to go over and talk to him so she could meet him and descide if it would work or not. So i call first and his room mate answers her cell (I have to call him on that cause they have no house phone and and he has no cell phone). Well she's like don't call here anymore, he said he doesn't want anything to do with you. i was like * * *, cause we were hanging out that day and the night before having a ball. well so I write him this email right here (believing what she said).....


Ok fine you go ahead and be that way. I wanted to at least be friends, but telling someone else to tell me that you don't want anything to do with me anymore is a little (blank) up. Ok you know what, maybe you didn't even say that, im gonna just not even get mad until i really know what's up. Your room mate told me that you told her to tell me to stop calling you and you wanted nothing to do with me. Well im hoping that's just cause she's weird. I never thought you would say anything like that to me, I mean (blank), fine, if you did then you go ahead and keep hanging out with (blank) sara and bre and (blank) get in trouble. (blank) stab me in the back when i was trying to be your friend and even rent to you.

(blank) ok im mad now,im just gonna go before i say anything too mean.

If this isn't true then (blank) tell ur room mate she's a (blank) and to shut the (blank) up!

but here's the deal, i wont contact you or write you or (blank) anything anymore after this. If you want any friendship it's on you, cause im not dealing with this whole (ex bf) bull * * * *, cause that's exactaly what you're pulling. You two are too much alike, I dropped him even though I care about him a lot, I care about you a lot too, but I can drop this friendship just as easily.

I hope it doesn't have to be like that.

Ur choice, email me back telling me what you (blank) want.

I did really consider you a good friend jason, and even though im (blanking blank) I still want too consider you a friend but right now I just don't (blank)even know.






well then he writes me back this....


(blank). are you (blank) joking. i never said a (blank) thing like any of that. your (blank) crazy. i do like you, but the cheese has fallen off the (blank) cracker. your crazy. by the way, thanks for sayig me and (MY ex) are exactly alike. makes me feel really good. i ask my room mate what the (blank), and she said she said nothing. then drop me like you dropped (my ex). (blank) YOU



Now i feel like a dumb*** i feel so mean. I don't know how I can ever take back what i said, i should have been smart and waited for him to call me and asked him about it. i've written him two emails now apologizing, and I want to write him another cause i have more to say now, but i don't wanna bug him if he's so mad at me. the thing is is this room mate of his is like obsessed with him. I can't go over an visit with out him having to lock his door or us having to ignore his room mate cause she never shuts up, ever, she never leaves him alone, and she doesn't like me. she's like telling me oh you seem anti social, whatever!!!!! im so not, and jason is like no she's not. and rrrrrrrr. well anyways, this girls got a bf, but she still trys to get on jason all the time and gets all jealous of girls. so I guess it's very possible he didn't say any of that and she's bsing both of us, telling me he said that and then telling him that she said nothing.

i don't know. what do you guys think???

Whats a good way to apologize for how mean i was in that email and make him less P'oed. I over reacted, but i want him to know i care and i didnt' mean it, but I know he is like his best friend when it comes to being hard headed. the only diff is his best friend is totally evil, and he's like the sweet heart of the world who wouldn't hurt anyone ententually, so I should have known he never said that.

please help.


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You screwed up , its obvious that this woman has put her heel up against you. Because she knows you want to be with this guy, but she considers him as her love. This is why she said all these things, so that you two would get into an argument , and you FELL for it HARD!


Writing apologies is useless, you will have to casually meet him , and then ask him out again. Not that im sure what the hell you need to do with being with some criminal? Im not sure if he went to jail for but that is already a sign for me that you should run away. pffft anyway.


If you really want something in life i advice you not to give up, but honestly i cannot see why you are into a guy like him. And you don't seem so smart yourself either in terms that you easily fall for someone's lies. My advice don't let people screw you over and walk over you back and forward. Say STOP to here and no further if people start to mess with you.

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