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What do YOU find to be attractive????

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Someone who laughs a lot

Someone who can get along with my friends and family

Someone who is reliable(doesn't cancel last minute or is indecisive about plans)

Someone with manners(doesn't have a 30 minute cell phone conversation during dinner)

Someone who is confident without being cocky

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Someone who laughs a lot

Someone who can get along with my friends and family

Someone who is reliable(doesn't cancel last minute or is indecisive about plans)

Someone with manners(doesn't have a 30 minute cell phone conversation during dinner)

Someone who is confident without being cocky

Yup, yup, yup, yup and yup!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I really don't know why I am attracted to the people I am.


My ideal mate would be:

1) Smart

2) Attractive (to me anyway)

3) Good head on her shoulders

4) Doesn't mind chivalery

5) funny, or at the very least thinks im funny.

6) has similar interests

7) loves watching movies

8) wants to work out with me at the gym.


your starting out good: my day looks approx like this after 3x university Internal study on hypnosis, psychology, human biology, tactical, weap**s, martial arts in several area's and mind control study. I grounded my own company in the netherlands and is a Audio/Visual Studio [sis company of Hollywood] ceo/presidente, director, producer, actress/performer etc....Sorry for not watching the movies but making them.


Good enough or not satisfied yet......

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Well, it's funny because I fell for a guy who was physically one way, and also attitude/interests/personality one way, and then I went to college where I met a different guy who is nearly the opposite of the other, yet I am attracted to both.


Guy #1:


1)Broad-shouldered, athletic, muscular build, about 5'9", 190 pounds, Irish/Canadian with dark brown hair, dark pirate kind of look yet also very boyish with his appearance


2)Very jock-like, but not in the cocky, jerk way; loves almost all sports and has that sort of jock appearance, but isn't the type who will vegetate in front of the tv all the time - he'll want to go to the games or go out and PLAY a game


3)Intelligent, he's a middle school teacher, loves to write and would like to be published one day; but he's laidback


4)Loves same type of music, movies, and tv as I do; is very very mainstream, commercial with his tastes


5)Has manners and is a charming, funny guy who is all-around sweet and nice and wonderful and would never intentionally hurt someone; more sophisticated due to age (27)


6)Is confident and seems to know what he's doing, he has a plan and isn't lazy, but there's underlying weakness and lack of wisdom that says he's still learning about life too and doesn't know exactly what he wants


7)Family-oriented and has goals and priorities


8.)Loves to travel; always fun-loving


9)Very important, very neat and clean


Guy #2:


1)Not as muscular, probably only 5'6" or 5'7" and 155 pounds; Japanese; but has very boyish looks too


2)More of a nerdy type, wears glasses but does have contacts, has nice clothes but isn't a jock; he watches basketball, loves tennis, but that's about it


3)Very intelligent, bypasses Guy #1 actually, has interest in being a university professor one day but also doing research and working at a museum; also very laidback though, not a self-righteous type


4)Also loves movies and appreciates them more than Guy #1 who just likes going, Guy #2 is more like me in that he appreciates film as an art form while also enjoying movies too for entertainment; plays the violin and loves classical chamber music, knows it well and appreciates it rather than just listens to it; loves Lost and a few others shows, but particularly Lost; loves to read for pleasure but also has interest in classic literature


5)Has manners and is an all-around sweet, nice guy who would never intentionally hurt someone; rather sophisticated in his tastes, but he is still young (nearly 20); is charming but not as suave as Guy #1 who is more cutesy and clever


6)Is also confident with himself but again, still young, hasn't established his life yet while Guy #1 has


7)Has priorities but they are still for himself only; he's not thinking of marriage and family, etc. but neither am I; however what Guy #1 believed in as far as family life was perfect for what I would want in the future


8.)Very fun-loving and likes travel, but isn't at a point in life where he can enjoy travel all the time


9)Very important, neat and clean


Point is, as far as those qualities go, they are similar yet very different; physically is where they are most different which I find very strange because I have a type and it's tall, dark, boyish, and muscular, but Guy #2 only has boyish going. And it's also interesting that he should be Japanese. But both guys are similar in personality and attitude, which is clearly what interests me most; however Guy #2, though about 8 years younger, has "finer" tastes than Guy #1, yet I am more like Guy #2 in that I don't have very fine tastes.


So in truth, Guy #1 is still the better match for me despite an age difference, but he is unavailable now and we have settled as friends. However, Guy #2 is much more available, but isn't as compatible with me as the first guy, and he and I are at the same point in life so we could go in separate directions after college. But we get along well and there seems to be a mutual liking.


Shall see where my relationship with Guy #2 goes, but let it be said that it's interesting that I didn't stick with my "type" of guy in terms of physical attraction.

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I look for intelligence, confidence but not arrogance, a strong will but not bloody minded, determination, interests (they don't have to be the same as mine as long as he has one or two), kindness, a problem solver, honest, trustworthy, respectfulness... and I am sure much more.


Ideally, he would be tall, athletic and have strong, muscular legs. he would have nice teeth and a confident smile.


I also do not stick with the formula. I think people are attracted to different qualities in people and these are not necessarily related to looks in any way. Sometimes, you just really gel with someone and enjoy being with them and find comfort with them and that's enough.

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I'm attracted to an outgoing guy.

I'm attracted to the nerdy type! [i love his little insecurities about his reading glasses]

I'm attracted to a guy who can make me laugh.

I'm attracted to a guy who can be themselves.

I'm attracted to a guy who can be macho, but also sensitive!!!

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This guy sounds perfect, where is he? let's share him



I'm attracted to a girl thats fun to be around, not quiet. Social, but really into me. Not flirty with other guys if were together. Honest, good values. And freaky in bed is always nice, lol.


The skate look it cute, but any girl can be pretty in her own way.


I am a romantic at heart, and love just sitting together, I prefer a long term relationships.. I'm 23, and have been in two, one 1.5 years, the other 4 years.


I really like getting to know someone, and their family. And just growing with them. Being able to be comfortable with one another, and expressing what we want with eachother. Nice butt helps too. I'm active, and fit so as long as she takes care of herself, thats fine.


I ride motocross/motorcycles, and I'm really active. Do extreme sports, and looking for someone to share that interest with me.


Check my myspace page


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