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I don’t know how to tell her that I want to die

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I was in the hospital for 23 days in May for trying to kill myself by overdosing on pills plus I was there to work on my cutting and such. I feel suicidal again and I'm cutting pretty badly again. I don't know how to tell my mom that I think I need serious help. My mother is not a very understanding person. For instance, if people find out about my being mentally ill, it means that they'll think shes a bad person, so, no one's allowed to know. I don't know if I want my parents to have to pay for another hospital stay since they're currently going through a separation.

What can I do? How can I tell my mother that I feel like I need serious help? How do I tell my mother that her only daughter wants to die?

Please help me.

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Maybe you can go to a counselor to talk to and possibly have that person help you explain it to her. I do hope that you get some good responses here, because I know mine isn't the best!


That's definitely not something you want broadcasted on the news, but if she sees your life in danger, ie cutting, I'm sure she will do what needs to be done and assist you in getting some kind of help.


The last thing your parents want is to lost their only daughter!

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What can I do? How can I tell my mother that I feel like I need serious help? How do I tell my mother that her only daughter wants to die?

Please help me.


Write her a letter and ask her to read it in front of you. In the letter, remind her how much you love her and how much you need her right now. Try to express all of your feelings and explain the overwhelming urges you've been having to hurt yourself. Tell her you need help again and that you're scared. Please write it tonight. You can do this! Stay strong!


Hugs to you!

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I have therapy tomorrow. I don't know how to tell my councilor... again... that I'm suicidal... any suggestions?

Just come right out and say it. Counselors know how do deal with those types of situations. They can help you get help. I would just say it, before you take your own life. Give yourself a chance! Fight on your own behalf! Also telling your counselor and mother will give more people in your corner!

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I think it is great that you are recognizing your feelings of wanting to commit suicide, reaching to others for support (your mom and your therapist) and admitting that you need professional help.


That is the first step to overcoming what you are going through. If you can't find a way to talk to your mom, sometimes it is hard, then at least tell your therapist, they are trained to deal with these situations and they can help you out. I hop eyou can find a way to sit down and confide in your mom as well. She will want to help you.


If you need anything, feel free to PM me. I know what you are going through. I went through this myself, I had a couple years I was really suicidal and if you need someone to share experiences with and I can offer you soem advice on how i got through it.


I hope you feel better... good luck..

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Your therapist is the first one you should tell. Why should you be ashamed of this? He knows people who are suicidal usually feel that way more than once in their life. It is his job to seek out the best way to help you.


Kita is right, you should tell him you are scared your feelings will dominate and that you will hurt yourself. I have a friend who stayed in the hospital several times for this reason. She's doing great at the moment and has really built her life again. You will be ok. You're a smart person, you are not afraid to reach out for help when you need to.


Take care and keep us posted,



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