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He likes me...he likes me not? help...

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Ok so here's the scoop...i met a guy about 2 weeks ago while I was out with friends. He was cute and seemed nice, danced a little, talked a little, so at the end of the night i thought "what the hell" and gave him my #, never expecting to hear from him again.


The next day, i got a text like "hey its so and so..." We texted for a little while during the day and then he called. That started us texting/calling each other heavily for a week. We talked every day, quite a few times a day, and sweet little things were said, some corny, but sweet, like in one instance, i said "bf" and he said what? and i said "no my best friend" and he goes "oh ok i was about to say, that would be typical that i meet someone and theyre taken." I would get little texts of "thinking of you", etc. Sometime during the week, we went on a very casual date, walked around, ice cream, he actually bought us both something from a store (somewhat matching, it was a toy), etc. Later on i spoke to him and he said he had had a great time, that i was gorgeous and sweet and funny and he had no complaints and hopefully it stayed that way because i had made him happy. We continued to talk after that until...


...this past sunday. We were supposed to hang out and he was having a bad, bad day. The last time i spoke to him on that date was around 8pm. I was very casual and tried not to get upset. The next day he called me and asked what I was up to and i said i was on my way downtown, and he told me to call him when i got there. I did and didn't hear from him at all. Now i know he didnt say "call me so we can meet up" but i still got slightly annoyed (probably because what had happened the day before had happened) so i left him a voicemail like "hey its me, im downtown, not sure why you asked me to call because now i cant find you but if you want to hang out i hope you get back to me soon because we live a little far from one another, if not, i hope you're having a good day and call me if you like"


didnt hear from him for the rest of the night...and today...we speak. As if nothing happened, very normally, at one point we were talking and i said he was horrible (jokingly, said it because he was falling asleep tired) and he said "i know im a horrible person but i promise i will make it up to you 10x"


what the hell is going on..i have text after text and voicemail and convos of nice things said and interest shown. He's also invited me out with his friends at least 3 times. Obviously i'm not thinking "hes the one!!!' or anything at all of that sort but the sudden hot to cold back to warm thing left me really confused.


any advice? we clicked and took a liking to one another so i would hate to "lose" someone over my demanding or expecting too much but the signs are just all crossed.



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This guy sounds a bit like Myself, Shows alot in the beginning, And than one random time or another throws a curve ball, To put you on edge, He May of been testing the waters, before stepping into far, and going in over his head.


So he Made things seem a bit "Sketchy" for you. But this was only for a short time, He rebounded well by contacting you again, at least he didn't leave you high and dry, and never again attempt to call you back. Right?


My advice is simple, Don't let the "One" day thing that happened bother you, your thoughts about this guy are pretty clear to me that your interested, That the level of communication is good, and the normal gives and takes between you and him under the title of Friends has a foundation, One that could lead to future building of something more serious but i don't have the crystal ball, and all the answers for you..so I'll stay on point with my advice.. I see that it's somewhat obvious he is interested, looking in depth at your post, the things he has already said to you, the casual date that occurred, the Texting from Phone to phone, saying "I'm thinking of you" all those sweet, kind things a true gentleman should say, He is on his P's And Q's...


However, Don't let the Showing of attention this guy has already shown much of make you think he is desperate, some men show there emotions towards a women in many different ways, I also get the feeling you and him are still quite young, let me take a shot in the dark, between ages 16-19.


But to reflect on what i said above, the "sketchy" part Your thinking to much about ONE thing, So maybe Something popped up and he couldn't call you back, maybe his phone was dead, and he was recharging it, and couldn't wait for it to get done charging because he wanted to see if you in fact texted him back, The possibilities are endless, Bottom line is we at one point or another "Forget" to do something, It slips our mind, And you say "opps" and Forget about it.


To better put it in a way that is more Constructive, Your looking at a tree in the woods, and not taking a step back and realizing that a forest is in front of you. This guy has Focused on you since the night you gave him your Phone Number, Calls the Next day! Talks with you, goes out with you on a "casual" date, Continuessly Calls/Text's you through out the week.


Answer this Question Below for me:


"What more could you ask for?"

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It sounds at this point like he likes you and is interested. I would just tread carefully since it's still early and you dont really know what he's like. It does seem like you both came on pretty strong in the beginning with all the contact you had and maybe that's why you are now confused. I would just go with the flow and dont put all your eggs in one basket yet.

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hhmm i guess you guys are right. I've just never personally been in that random of a situation but i also know that God know's what happened.me. A possible scenario that my friend and i came up with was that maybe his friends (or him himself) pointed out that he was coming on strong or showing TOO much interest and maybe he should back off a little because, just as i have my friends telling me to not show *too* much interest because then he'll think he has me right there, he was given the same advice.


who knows...


this is all a game and one i dont play well. i just graduated from college and dating on the college scene is completely different because campus is like another little world. It seems you have to put in a lot more time and effort when dating in a city (or the real world for that matter) so i'm trying to get adjusted.


Oh, and we're not THAT young, we're both 24.

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Umm yea that shot in the dark, and the whole age thing, it kinda Missed, lol




I agree that showing "TOO" much is not a good thing, to much of anything is bad for you....I'm thinking maybe he feels either Really comfortable around you, or he is just a super sweet/likes to show a women how he feels type of guy, while other men sometimes, hide or even bury there emotions towards a women, esp. early on... keeping the women "Guessing" instead of the other way around, If you and him both play your cards right, who knows anything can happen.


If the attention from him to you becomes "TOO" much, be sure to let him know in a polite, understanding way.

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sssooo...we talked tuesday like nothing, yesterday i was in his area and i called him to tell him and he goes "call me when you get here"...so i did...yeah... cricket cricket


so i was like ok...im sick of this


so today he texts me and i respond to him about 3 hrs later...i called him at night to say hello because thats how he does it, and we're talking and he goes..."i texted you earlier and you didnt respond or anything!" and im like what? and repeats it and im like..."but i did, i texted you back with hey" and he goes..."oh...i didnt get it...you should have called!"




im not sure what game this guy is playing but umm...im getting a little tired of it. and i dont want to be crazy like "whats going on!" because ive only known him a few weeks...i'll never understand men.

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I dont think theres anything going on with him bad. To tell you the truth hes going through a push-pull scenario. He seems to really enjoy your company and he likes you for sure. However, he doesnt want to get in too deep, even though I can tell its his nature to jump right in, he doesnt want to scare you off, he had a bad day and that shouldnt affect much, he gets a little upset when you dont text him back because he likes your attention, he likes talking to you because he feels a connection with you, he likes you alot but doesnt want to come on too strong with you.


This relationship is still in its early stages, things should be taken slowly, sometimes its hard to do that because you enjoy seeing the person and want to spend alot of time with them and you dont really spend a lot of time together because you have to have a balance.


Just Keep going like your going, have fun, keep the convo's light and fun like they have been, go out with each other, don't get at each other for not calling or texting right away.

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I dunno if I agree with other posters on this one .. I have dated guys who did this exact same thing. Long story short, not one of them were worth my time. Guys who are interested act like they're interested. It's really that simple but I was hoping against hope and dating people that were just .. flakey at best and at worst, rude and inconsiderate.


Perplexed, I think you should step back for a while. Let him come to you, call you, text you, etc. If he tries to make plans again, tell him that you're not going to make "tentative" plans (ie. "call me when you get over here") and that if he wants to hang out, he can call you and set something up. Other than that, if he keeps on playing this game, stop playing it with him.

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