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I've only known this guy for two weeks and he's about 2 hours away from me...and we're thinking of going out since we feel that we're falling in love. I'm sure his feelings are true and so are mine. I'm on the rebound and am wondering if I really am in love with this guy or if it's just temporary. Advice please?!

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you sure you're not still in love with your ex and in turn trying to pretend love to your new guy? I would definitely take things slow if this is a rebound thing. Often times people in rebound relationships try to transfer love from their ex to their new flings so they can escape the grieving process of breaking up. If this is what you are doing, I guarantee your relationship will be doomed for failure very soon.

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I've broken up with my ex twice before this last breakup. And this new guy is totally different from him in every way. I had a lot of problems with my bf and our relationship ended up mostly lustful and not loving. This guy sweeps me off my feet...but I am scared a little cause I don't want to hurt him. We don't even mention anything physical about each other...we don't talk about ANY of that stuff and we're attracted more to each other's minds. I'm just scared of hurting him or maybe he doesn't really feel this way.

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Love I'm not sure it true love after only two weeks. What your in is Like. You and this guy really like each other and enjoy talking and spending time with one another. If your just getting over a brake up may be you need to spend some time alone for awhile to know what you really wanting in a relationship (that works for me) if it truly is what this guy has then work from there....

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