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return of b/f on vaca.

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hey... my boyfriend left the country for a vacation two weeks ago... he'll be back in arout 15 days and i'm pretty much going nuts without him... but i'm dealing.


two weeks will be here before i know it (yayayayayayay!) and i want to do something special for him since we only get to talk for 2 minutes once a week...


i was thinking that i would either 1.) surprise him the morning after he gets home.. like, get up really early and make my way to his house, and surprise him with an early wake up kiss... or 2.) stay the night at his house and have him find me sleeping on the couch (or his bed or whatever) when he comes home....


i also was going to leave a few notes around.. one in his dresser that says "i missed you" one on his computer saying "check under your pillow" and there'll be another note that says "i love you. call me." or something like that.


what do you think? getting in the house isn't a problem because i was given my own key and i was told that i could even spend the night a few nights if i wanted.


do you have any more suggestions? i would love to hear what you all think i could do.




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That you are nuts about your bf is one thing,however that doesn't mean you have to start acting nuts. I've never heard of such a rediculous thing as putting notes under his bed , and saying i missed you on his computer. That kind of stuff would make me angry rather then happy, show you have a life of your own to live. Occupy yourself with a hobby, or homework or real work, anything to keep your mind of him will be better then going into psycho woman mode and scaring him away.

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actually, my boyfriend left me quite a few notes around the house before he left, including one on his computer, so it's obvious that he wouldn't be annoyed if i did the same.


that's your opinion; just because my boyfriend and i are in love doesn't mean we don't have a life other than the one we share... he went on vacation WITHOUT me for a month, and i take classes during the summer WITHOUT him for 7 weeks... i'm also going on a separate vacation from him for a week... and even if we weren't, we'd love to spend every day we could together.


so maybe just becuase you've been scared away by some psycho woman doesn't mean i will scare my boyfriend away.


i don't know why everytime i get on here, someone posts a really ignorant message, and i still come back for advice. it's ridiculous.

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See both sides of the coin here. You and Robo are BOTH right. Whether you are right or wrong depends on the individuals involved. If my wife did that when I came back from a business trip, I'd be delighted but many men would see it as too clingy. I think with your boyfriend it will be good but might not work for other blokes if you ever have any future relationships.

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  • 3 weeks later...



I KNOW FOR MYSELF, AFTER A vacation or short trip, i need to unwind first - i wouldnt want to see my s/o hiding in my closet ...lol...laying in my jacuzzi...laying on the couch /bed as soon as i open the door......


i agree with robo - that is way too much!


but this post was created a while agho - let us know what u ended up doing

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WOW!! I though that all sounded like a good idea, something that if your relationship is already like that...he may like!! Not to mention he may appreciate that his girlfriend was so full of anticipation to see him that she went out of her way to be a sweetheart. Thats the deal, this stuff is not expected of her, thats what makes it special...

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