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Do I or Dont I give her a suprise when she returns home?

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The girl that has been driving me insane becasue I feel in love with her has gone home for 1 week to Costa Rica. Before she left I said that I would bring her to the airport and said the same thing a couple of weeks ago, but she said that it was too early to bring her. Before she left, she called and we talked. She asked said she wanted me to come over, but her host parents (she is a nannie) was at home, so I know I couldnt. But anyways she asked if I could bring her to airport and I did. We kissed before she left and that is that for now.


While talking to her, she mentioned that she liked surprised because she said many times she didnt, so I never gave her any. She said the reason she didnt like them is because she felt embarrassed, shy or bashful when she is surprised, she blushes and let me tell you, she is very shy! So I wanted to give her a surprise.


But her is my dilema. When I first left her to go to California for 3 weeks and she went of vacation, I left her a Sid doll from the movie, Ice Age. She was so surprised and loved it. But that was when we were falling head over heels for one another. A couple of weeks back, something happened and she kind of turned cold, but has started to come back my way again. She fell in love with me and got to close too soon, so she backed off and so have I. I wanted to give her a surprise when she comes home like I did the first time since she says she likes surprises, but here is my question.


Do you think I should give her a surprise or should I just hold off since our relationship / friendship kind of went off the tracks a little? She wants surprises and loved it when I surprised her the first time when I left. I dont want to push her away and have been told by friends and good ole mom that to not do it. Mom told me to let her come my way and give the gift (the turlte from Over the Hedge - she loves turtles) another time. She is getting me some shot glasses from Costa Rica, so might be a good time to give it to her then? It took me a week or so to get out of feeling "empty" because I felt things were going bad and now I am feeling better. I love her, but know that I cant tell her, but want to show that I do still think of her. So any advice?

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My feeling is to simply give her something small, a bigger gift might make her feel pressured. Maybe some candy or flowers or a book or something like that. That would be a nice gesture, can be interpreted as romantic, without being too much pressure.


If things improve, you can give her the turtle later!

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Oh Armyguy, don't get her anything. She's been so wishy washy with you! It's not fair for you to do things she wants because in a way, she knows you'll do it because you're head over heels for her and her not be more giving and honest about whether she wants a relationship with you.


You're too nice!!

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wait till she gives you the shot glasses - keep it on you - the turtle i mean. because you don't want to attack someone when they come off a plane exhausted with a surprise even a very sweet one. she will probabbly be too exhausted to register it and give you the reaction you are so deeply hoping for.

i am not sure on this though - just putting in my 2 cents.

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For all of you to know, I DID not give the turtle to her. I have two small turtles (bobble heads) that did not come to me until Tuesday. So I guess it was an Omen and know realize from others and you not to give it to her. So I have the turtles in a small box to give to her when she gives me my gift.

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