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Becoming confident

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"Kids, DONT talk to strangers... its far too much fun."


i used to be VERY shy, struggled to even talk to family members if i hadnt seen them for a while. Now as the quote ^^^ (that i made up my self) suggests i see going out and making conversation with strangers a good use of my time cos its fun.


this is just a bit about how i became very confident with my self in the hope others will be able to use bits of it to help themselfs.


1. i guess just growing up going threw puberty and hormone changes etc are probs a big part of it.


2. I started flying power kites about 3 years ago. when im out flying it, it usually attracts alot of attention because not many people have seen a 6m square kite befor and it stands out just abit when its in the air. now when ever i see another kite in the air i go over and have a chat to whoever is flying it. it is a very easy conversation starter and u can then talk for hours sharing experiences. because the kites are quite spectacular when u start doing tricks with them a lot of the time people will just come up to me to find out more about them and i have even had several people ask if they can take pictures while i fly.


3. I feel good about my self. iv changed alot recently.gone from short hair and clean shave to sleek gel'd back hair and a short beard and tash. again will probs happen threw puberty anyway but feeling good about ur self will help a great deal when meeting new people.


4. I saw i was really shy so much so it anoyed me. so i decided to go out and improve my self. i went out in to town and asked people for the time. using my desire to get rid of my shyness to overpower my actual shyness. and asking for the time isnt exactly hard. just ask any one who walks past you. then ask for sumthing that requires a conversation. like directions to a place. even if u know where it is ask some one anyway. get the practise. then move on to asking even more complex things like asking for a recipie for fish (i did this one myself, never actually bought the fish but had a great convo with a very nice girl about how to make a fish sauce) lol.


i am now incredibly confident. a week or so ago i asked a very pretty lady how apealing she thought some underwear was. and at the last club i went to a spoke to 6 people and 2 groups of people. Now i think talking to new people is great fun. i still go out to the shopping mall and try and start conversations with people just for fun. im not asking for numbers or flurting much. just a nice little convo with a stranger.


1. u may just grow out of shyness

2. get ur self a hobby its a great convo starter and may aven attract attention anyway

3. feel good about ur self. believe ur some one who people would like to meet

4. if all else fails train urself to be more confident


hope people can use this to help them selfs become more confident


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