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After one week of NC she called, I ignored the call seeing as I have nothing to talk to her about. She left a message saying "Hey doof, its boof, call me back (the happy face is pretty much what she sounded like) She was using our pet names for each other. All I could do is laugh at her attempt to try and get me to call her. I guess our mutual friend saw her at her workplace yesterday and my ex was asking about how I was doing, to which my friend replied "he is doing GREAT, I am surprised at how well he is doing." My ex tried to say, ya, he is doing ok. In an attempt to downplay how well I am doing to which my friend replied, "actually he is doing great, he is much better than ok."


It's funny to see how she is trying to downplay my progress, and seeminly trying to get me to revert to the pathetic mess I was the first week of the break up (by calling me up using our pet names for each other). The things that people will do to get a feeling of importance. I think she is finally starting to realize that her safety net is missing.

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Way to go man. I'm on week 3 and still no calls from her. I figured I'd have one by now haha....


Actually, mine called me also 6 days after our break and she layed into me something fierce telling me how hot her new guy was and how she loved climbing into bed with him and a bunch of other mumbo jumbo.


I actually laughed when I read it because she's 26 and spelled half the words wrong in her messages/email (telling me just how drunk/high/geeked out/etc she was).


Enjoy the control, it's where it belongs, with you.

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"Hey doof, its boof, call me back (the happy face is pretty much what she sounded like) She was using our pet names for each other.


That's cute. My ex had a pet name for me she called me all the time. It was "#$@hole". Wait a sec, that's not a pet name...

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she called again, left a message on my cell, and left a message at my home phone. didnt say it was important or anything, just asked me to call back. what should I do? im thinking maybe emailing her tomorrow saying that I have been really busy and just asking if she needed something. i dont want to make it too obvious i am avoiding her, but want her to think i am busy.

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