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I have been assigned a new manager (the second time since I started here about 6 months ago) and he is ALWAYS after my department. I am the lead, and have an assistant.


We have a few clients who really like to attack us, basically the blame goes back and forth saying we never sent them this, they never sent us that, etc. Sadly this is a big deal in the engineering industry.


In any case, my new boss never backs me up. I was taken to a client's place last week and totally masacured by the client and my boss. Then today, that same client is phoning complaining again and my boss is after me again.


Unfortunately, the blame always ends up on me, and I swear I'm not doing anything wrong. However it's always easier to blame the people at the bottom *my assistant and I* and I'm absolutely fed up.


New job vibes anyone?

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Nothing is more stressful than the kind of stress you get from work. It's too bad that things have turned out this way.


I suggest looking for a new job. You deserve to be treated better than that. I would say not to quit though until you are having good luck with finding a new job. It would stink to quit this one and have no money coming in while trying to find something else. That's a whole other kind of stress.

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I've actually signed up at two hiring agencies, and have been applying for new jobs all over. I'm completely sick of being treated this way. I'm near tears at my desk.


The worst part is that I approached the engineers working on the project this morning, and they all told me they received this documentation and they did what they were supposed to do.


Then my boss came in here with them and suddenly they deny ever getting their documentation. Since my job is to give them copies of all documents coming in and going out, now all fault lies with me.


So unfair!

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Let me just say I empathize - going over it will only make ME frustrated so I will leave it at that!


Fortunately (and unfortunately as I feel guilty!) I turn in my notice soon!


You have talked about going back to school, is that an option while you work part time through a temp agency, etc.?

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You know guys, I'm just feeling so discouraged right now. I had actually planned on going back to school in the fall to get a Human Resources certificate (this would also nicely fill up all my elective credits for a degree in psyc). Well yesterday, I went to an agency and the senior person there told me not to do it! She said she rarely places anyone in those roles, and they are more 'work your way into it' positions.


Now I'm all confused again. I was originally rooting to go back full time to become a teacher, but it's so expensive to live in the meantime. That's not something you can take part-time unfortunately.


So basically I don't know what to do. Hooray for indecision!

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You know guys, I'm just feeling so discouraged right now. I had actually planned on going back to school in the fall to get a Human Resources certificate (this would also nicely fill up all my elective credits for a degree in psyc). Well yesterday, I went to an agency and the senior person there told me not to do it! She said she rarely places anyone in those roles, and they are more 'work your way into it' positions.


Now I'm all confused again. I was originally rooting to go back full time to become a teacher, but it's so expensive to live in the meantime. That's not something you can take part-time unfortunately.


So basically I don't know what to do. Hooray for indecision!



Yeah, I know how you feel...Law is not a part-time option either.


I know plenty of people in HR, and I would not really listen to the temp. The fact is many people ARE hired in such positions NOT going through placement agencies.....so her experience is also skewed in that way.


As for the teacher thing....if you truly want to do it, I really think you should work on it. If it means sticking it out where you are for another year or two to save money, taking an extra part time job, and just looking into financial aid....do what you truly want to do.


For me the biggest block was just making the decision and truly realizing it was possible, once I started the process, it was a huge relief knowing I was finally doing what *I wanted* to do.

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