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okay, so i dated this guy about 3 years ago. i fell for him quickly and he said he really liked me too. after a few months, he broke up with me because he said "i didn't have my priorities straight". after he broke up with me, he tried to continue the relationship as if we were still together, but i wouldn't let him. and ever since that time...he constantly tries to hang around me and talk to me. he'll send me emails and try to IM me. and all he wants to talk about is how much in love with me he is and how letting me go was the biggest mistake. i've asked him to stop saying that, i've tried everything...i even told him i dont like him like that and i never will, but he won't go away! even after i got a new boyfriend, he still kept saying he loves me and wants me back. this has been an ongoing problem for 3 years. somtimes he'll go a month or so without talking to me, but even after that he still says he's in love with me. any ideas on how i can get him to back off and leave me alone?

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