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I broke nc after 30 days and we got back together

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She dumped me after fighting for weeks over her job and where we were going to live. I started no contact for 30 days. I then thought i would call her just to talk as "friends" or mature adults. We have been dating 3.5 years and were both 43 years old. When I called her she said she missed me so much. Well I missed her too. So we have had the 30 days of no contact to realize our fighting was over small stuff. 30 days of NC to realize we still love each other. I think if your the dumper or the dumpee and the fighting was over small stuff then "eat crow", swallow your pride and call them. My ex was just too stubborn and felt guilty to call me. What did I have to loose. I got her back!

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I think if your the dumper or the dumpee and the fighting was over small stuff then "eat crow", swallow your pride and call them.


i don't necessarily agree. who ever really breaks up because of "small stuff"? it was obviously important enough to end your relationship. i think the couples who DO break up over "small stuff" are typically dysfunctional couples, usually couples who break up often, and in that case they need more time away from each other to sort out themselves and their relationship issues if they really want to make it work for the long term.


if it really WAS something stupid, like a random fight, then sure, give your girl/guy a call and admit to wrongdoing if you messed up. but most breakups here are about way bigger stuff than that.


usually there are also other variables that rightfully stop people from calling. most here are current dumpees, and some of them with bitter breakups, and many of their exes just don't want to hear from them at the moment. calling their dumpers out of the blue is quite risky.

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If there is abuse-physical or mental, cheating, drug, gambling addiction then stay away. We had none of that. She has a hard time with stress and realized she made a mistake. I am able to forgive her. yes its up to the situation. I meant small stuff as she has just graduated from college and saw a life change in her career and home.

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