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Is it possible?


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My girl and I have had sex a few times. She's been on the pill, and I've always been using protection. I withdraw everytime as well, even though I'm wearing a condom. Everything has been fine with condoms not breaking. I don't see the possibility of her being pregnant because of how cautious and responsible we've been.


The thing is that she hasn't started her period yet (about 3 days late), and we're a little worried. She's been under lots of stress lately (there was a dramatic personal event). I'm thinking that's the cause of her period being late.


How long should we wait? We would there be any signs if she is pregnant? What do you think about this?

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Yes, even with protection and cautious use, it is possible to become pregnant, thought not very likely, but there's still a small percentage. Condoms aren't 100% safety guaranteed, the only way would be to not have sex at all.

Your girl should take first a pregnancy test if her period delays, if the test comes out positive, she may have to go to the doc., tests can be unrealiable.

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Stress will definitely cause a late period.


I would not start "looking for signs" as those are things you can make yourself find when you look for them, when they can just be symptoms of PMS or feeling stressed.


If she is late, take a pregnancy test. I would say your chances are very small based on the birth control methods you are using (as long as she takes pill properly) and it sounds like there have been no breaks or anything. Always a chance, but it would be fairly small.


If it's positive, well, then consider it a pregnancy, false positives have a nil chance unless you are on some meds that can alter it. Negatives though sometimes they are negative because enough hormone has not built up, so if no period still in a few more days, take another or go to doctor and test there.

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I would highly doubt that she is pregnant under the circumstances. Since she is already late , it would be okay to take a pregnancy test now. You can buy the home tests where you get two tests in the package, so that you can do a second test as well when ever you are ready.


Most likely it is due to stress. I have had early AND late periods during times in my life when I was going through some rough or stressful times.

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I'm not sure how soon after a late period you can take a pregnancy test. I think you have to wait at least a week. 3 days isn't much...I'd say she should wait a few more days and if it still isn't there take a test. The tests usually say that if it comes up negative then you should test again in a week just to make sure.


Traumatic events, major life changes can change a woman's cycle. I've had missed periods, late periods etc once in a while even though I am usually very regular and I have never been pregnant. So there's a slim chance she's pregnant but it may be too early to test accurately. Wait a little more, then test. If it's negative then test again later and if still negative something else is causing the late period and she should make an appointment to see her gyno.


Most likely...this is nothing and she is just a little late. The funny thing is, stressing over it, if she's worried, is actually one of the more common causes of a late period.

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You're really screwing yourselves over with the whole "she's on birth control, I use a condom and I withdraw" thing. Sex just isn't the same when you're so anal about pregnancy. Of course, it is important to make sure your girl doesn't get pregnant when you aren't prepared. But, ENJOY sex. You shouldn't have to be so scared all the time. Call me crazy, but I have sex without a condom and my girlfriend isn't on birth control. Of course I don't finish inside of her, but I ENJOY sex so much and so does my girlfriend because of the absense of any latex or chemical intervention.


Way to stick to topic, I know =)

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Call me crazy, but I have sex without a condom and my girlfriend isn't on birth control.


Well, you'll enjoy it until all of a sudden it does 'happen to you'. I know a good half dozen people when I was around your age whom did the same thing thinking it would "not happen to them". Guess how many of them quickly found out the statistics can still work against them? 100% of them. Some had bouncing babies, others found out quickly that just because your partner looks healthy does not mean they are "clean". One "lucky" one ended up both with a baby and chlamydia from her long term partner.


Yes, sex is to be enjoyed, but you can still do so by being safe about it and using birth control/STI control. The original poster should not be criticized for being safe and smart about it. Once they are more educated they may be more comfortable in for example not pulling out while using condom and pill, but I think to advocate any young kids, or anyone not monogamous to "enjoy it" by taking the risk and not using birth/STI control is just foolish in this day and age.


No wonder rates of HIV, syphillis and HPV are increasing again amongst young women and men.

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Sex just isn't the same when you're so anal about pregnancy.


Honestly, it's great to enjoy sex, but once you find that you end up with an unplanned pregnancy or get an STD, you'll definitely wish you were more responsible. Things like that can turn your world upside down and cause so much stress. I just don't plan on having kids anytime soon because it would change my entire lifestyle, and all of my goals will be on hold. It would be the same for my girl. We just want to get as far as we can as individuals and plan our lives together down the road.


We've discussed what it would be like to have a child right now. She wouldn't be able to leave for the military, and we would have to move in together and focus only on supporting our child. This is why we are so cautious.


The sex is still very enjoyable as well! Condoms don't take away THAT much feeling. The thought of her getting pregnant never even crosses my mind, so I can definitely relax more. There's just to much at risk being unprotected. It's possible you can precum and get her pregnant. It's possible that you might not pull out in time. All it takes is one sperm and one egg to form the biggest responsibility anyone can have.


So, if you're not ready for kids or a disease you can have for the rest of your life. I strongly suggest protection and your partner using some form of birth control.

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Last time I got a pregnancy test it was $12. About the same as two starbuck coffees, or two mcdonalds hamburgers, so, cheap. Why don't you put your mind to rest with $12 worth of pregnancy test?


A friend of mine went through a similiar situation as me. His wife's period came 3 weeks later. We're going to wait just a little, then I'll have her get a test. Thanks for your information!

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Well, we took 2 tests yesterday and they turned up negative.


Does this make it official or is there still a possibility?


It is unlikely for her to be pregnant. However, pregnancy tests aren't very accurate, you migth want to try going to a doc. While there's more than 95% that she's not pregnant, there's always that little 5-1% possibility that she might be.

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