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open relationships/taking a break ...good or bad idea

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my girlfriend and I have been together for a good 6 months. But lately things have just seemed different between us. I don't know but like when we're on the phone there's not all that much talking, as much as awkward silence or just random things to fill up that silence. We hardly see eachother, since I work 6 days a week and she is juggling three jobs.

We both started talking tonight and we both awknowledged to eachother that something isn't like it was, and that something isn't right between us.

We both do love eachother very much, it's just somethings not clicking. Like the chemistry and haulted or something.

So we both decided that we didn't want to loose eachother but that maybe a break or an open relationship would be a good idea.


I was wondering what some of your thoughts are on open relationships and the whole "taking a break" thing.


I want to know if we're making a good decision or taking the safe way about this...or if this is a waste of time for sure and this is pretty much the beginning of the end...


your responces are greatly apreciated.



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I think it's a good idea that you take a break and then you'll both discover if you're missing each other, and if the love is really there, etc.


Please DON'T wreck your chances by having an open relationship or one or both of you are going to get hurt.

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An open relationship will only work if you or her can truly admit to yourselves that the both of you aren't going to be hurt if you both find someone else to go out with next week or next month etc. If it does, then neither of you are ready for it and it will definitely kill whatever you have left at the moment.


I've never really been a big believer in taking breaks but then, that's me. If the both of you feel you should go on a break from the relationship then you should but I think talking about what's happening and being really honest with each other may be better?


Loving someone doesn't necessarily mean you have to be in a relationship with that person. Maybe you guys are just destined to be really good friends and nothing more.


Whatever you both decide I hope it works out for the both of you.

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i apreciate the responses...


I know that if we arn't ment to be together in a serious relationship, that we are atleast ment to be in a loving friendship at best. I know I do love her, i'm just not sure it's to the extent that it should be.


we decided to take a break and see if that's it and then at the same time not have to worry about the being so commited to eachother. We also are going to try and work on finding out what's wrong between us...and then after awhile decide wether or not we want this relationship..


thank you all again

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