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Table for Pity Party of 1?


It has been almost 2 months since the breakup.


Today is an emotional day for me as it would have been my fathers birthday so everything is just crap.


I'm just sad and some days it feels like the first day of the breakup.


I hate days like these. They blind side me and knock me down.

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I had one on Wednesday, and you know what they come and go hun...


I feel awesome today, truly.... I cant believe the change in emotion in such a short amount of time.... I wanted to die on Wednesday, and today I'm full of beans...... you know you will get through this, its just hard when your not in the frame of mind I know....


Hugs for you Roxari......

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I hate those kinds of days too. So sorry you are having a rough day. They do tend to come out of nowhere sometimes and knock us for a loop.


Breakups can certainly be difficult, but with time it does get easier to deal with. Other special days that have a significance to us also can be difficult, especially when we can not celebrate things with those we love. I know I had a really difficult day a couple of weeks ago on June 11, when it would have been my 30th wedding anniversary. My husband passed a way a couple of years ago, so it was a really crappy day for me.


I hope you feel better very soon and get over some of your blues Sending you bunches of {{{ HUGS }}} to add to that "group hug" that pablo started .

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It's your father's birthday - go spend it with him. I did.


My ex broke up with me on my deceased father's birthday in April. But I didn't let it ruin me. I went and bought a lei to honor my father - though I was thousands of miles away from home - I managed to find the tombstone of a fallen hero that had the exact birthday as my dad's. I said a prayer for myself, my dad (told him how I love and miss him), and the stranger.


The day had just been dreary inside my heart and the weather drizzled somewhat. And you know what? I spotted a rainbow on my stroll through the Memorial Walk. The rainbow served to remind me that even after sadness, there follows joy.


Chin up. This day too shall pass.

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Is there something in the air? I'm feeling crappy too.. today is a very bad day for me. So hang in there knowing you're not alone.


All I can remind myself is that today is crappy, but it's just a bad day, it will get better, and I try to go easy on myself. So go easy on yourself, tell yourself this day ends at midnight .. tomorrow is a brand new day!! YAY!!



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