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Tingle Tan lotion = nightmare

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As if indoor tanning isn't bad enough for a person, I was having trouble getting my legs to tan. So I used this product the salon was selling (amongst other salons of course) called "Tingle" for legs. It's not a single company, but an ingredient. So this isn't about a specific company that I'm saying something negative about or anything.


They basically described it COMPLETELY differently from what it actually does for real, while still telling you what it does to your skin.


Basically what it does is it just plain GIVES you a sunburn. It's the whole purpose, but they made it sound like it was going to be something else, and I'm thinking oh maybe it will feel like this menthol kind of lotion I have (so you feel cooled off in the booth) and it will just make my skin a little more red.


Apparently it makes your blood rush closer to the top of your skin and that helps you to burn. I missed a spot on my hands when whipping it off to get into the booth after applying, and now my thumb is swollen. It's been about 28 hours and it's awful. My toes have it, too.


When you get a "regular" sunburn, and you press your finger against your skin, you see a light patch where you pressed, and you will see the red slowly rush back. But after using this stuff, you press on your skin, and the red absolutely immediately comes back.. It's awful and it's really scary.


So if you really want to go indoor tanning, never ever ever ever ever get anything with "tingle" in it.


And I would REALLY like to know if anyone else has used this? You get the same thing happening to you?


No blunt little one sentence responses about tanning, or things like "oh tanning is bad I don't do it, the end." Because I didn't ask how you felt about tanning, thanks.



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tanning is soooooo bad for you! it's damaging your skin, making you look older.


sure, you don't care now. But, my mom is 63, always stayed out of the sun and wore sunscreen, and she can pass for being in her 40s!


do the spray tanning, or get a cream.

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I don't think I'm going back after this. I think this is a sign that even a 3 month membership is a bad idea.


They said "oh have you heard of 'tingle?'" Like it's this great thing, and the continued to say "When you get in after having it on your legs, you feel a little tingle. Then when you get out, you might feel it's a little warm, and a little red. But don't worry, it goes away in like 20 minutes." I heard this same kind of description about twice, and I thought it would just amplify it a little bit, but not this much... and not just flat out burn me. They never said it was a burn, and never implied it was just a flat out burn but described it as it being a little red somehow like it's gentle... basically saying it burns without saying it burns and trying to make it sound like that's not the purpose.


It went away everywhere else except my thumb and my toes. My thumb looks worse than this afternoon, and it's just swollen. I hope it goes away because if it doesn't I have to go to the Dr, definitely... but the problem is I don't know if it should just be treated like a regular burn or not. When I press on any of these spots the blood just immediately rushes back, it's horrifying.

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They said "oh have you heard of 'tingle?'" Like it's this great thing, and the continued to say "When you get in after having it on your legs, you feel a little tingle. Then when you get out, you might feel it's a little warm, and a little red. But don't worry, it goes away in like 20 minutes." I heard this same kind of description about twice, and I thought it would just amplify it a little bit, but not this much... and not just flat out burn me.


that doesn't sound like much of an explanation beforehand!


I've only gone to tanning salons for the "mystic tanning" (the spray-on tan), and I've, in general, found the staff members to be over-worked and under-knowledgable about their products.


I even tried to buy a cream at a tanning salon, but after 10 minutes, the cashier STILL couldn't figure out how to charge me for it - she couldn't find the price or what to type into the computer, so I finally gave up. This was the same girl that put me in the booth, and when I pushed the button, no spray came out. I had to put the towel around me, waddle outside in my cap, and try to find her in front of all the other people waiting to tan! She was like, "oooops! I forgot to reset your machine! sorry!!!" yeah, thanks, it was mortifying.


(sorry, now I'm just ranting.)


I'm not surprised this happened to you. Sorry if I offend anyone here who works at a tanning salon, but I've been consistenly underwhelmed with the service I've gotten at different tanning salons.


It does sound like a real burn. If it's still bothering you, maybe go to the doctor tomorrow?

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hey. I can't say I've used that stuff. Never even heard of it.


BUT, I have a good friend who is a professional bodybuilder. Used all sorts of products and tanning shops. What he's said seems to hold true in my experience "Don't bother buying any of the crap in the shops. They don't give a damn and just want to make as much money as possible."


Seriously. The best stuff is reasonably priced and right in a drug store or Walmart. I think you got ripped off AND got hurt in the deal.


I hope you feel better soon and that burn isn't serious. take care, hun.

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Yeah I was definitely ripped off, aaghhh. I never really knew what else to use from drugstores and was afraid I'd use something that would make me burn just like this SMALL, maybe 4" tall, $15.00 bottle did. If I could do it all over again I would love to have gone to a drugstore and saved me like $100 in their lotions... and little "tingle tan" nightmare product..


I'm afraid because it's on my thumb and my toes, which seem like place never meant to be burned... like maybe my body can't properly repair itself somehow. I haven't tanned or been burned since I was 11 years old, so I forget what it's like and how long but I look at my siblings who were out too long in the sun and their redness goes away by the next day and mine seems worse.


That's something I'd really like to try, Annie. I honestly don't trust these people at the salon at all, not even a little bit after this so I will ask you! haha, how are those booths/spray? Do you wear it all day long, does it smell bad, and how often do you need to go to maintain?


Spray booths I will try now... I always used lotions but they just smell so bad and are uncomfortable. I have been uneasy about tanning ever since I made that in-the-moment decision to try it out... this seriously finishes it-- I don't think my skin can handle anything else ever after that.

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If it is getting worse and not going away, then no its not a normal sunburn. I have been burned more times that I can count and by the next day it has always been a little better. I dont think I have ever been burned on my fingers or toes tho. I would go to the doctor or at least call them and see what they suggest. You might even be able to call the company that makes the product or they may have a website you can visit and see what the common reactions can be and what they suggest.

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If I were you I would see a doctor ASAP. Even if there is nothing wrong with your skin better safe than sorry. I have friends who are doctors and nurses and they like it when their patients come to them when they have a problem right away. That way a lot of complications can be prevented. Who knows you might be prescribed an ointment that will help you within 24 hours. I would see a Doctor even if he or she can't see you they may be able to help over the phone.

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