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problems with parents and sex

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ok well me and my girlfriend of 4 months have had sex twice about 2 weeks ago we had sex in my car in a secluded spot in the park. well, someone apparently was watching us and put it online. her stepdad had a friend who showed him so he had a "talk" with me tonight about it. he was relly angry at me and such. he told me that i lost all trust with me and that i wouldnt be allowed in her basement anyone. i guess my problem is that he wanted me to agree i wouldnt have sex with her anymore but i mean, we really love each other and we like to show our love. im 17 and shes 16 but were legally allowed to have sex. my problem is that hes threatened me that if i dont comply he'll tell my parents and make my life a living hell. he also wants me to not tell her anything about this. i just dont know what to do. any ideas?

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ooops. well he's having the conversation with the wrong person. I understand where he is coming from but reality is he should be talking to his daughter.


So if I were you I would tell your g/f to have a talk with her dad. I don't think it's going to help you (he doesn't want you to be having sex with his daughter, when you are a father you will understand) but at least father and daughter will be talking.

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My motto, you live under their roof, you live under their rules! (and read to be: You play under their roof, you play under their rules).


The best lesson you can learn is how to get on with your folks/her folks. This sounds like the sort of discussion where you need to sit down with them and have a good, honest talk about their fears, your wants, and where your relationship fits in. They sound like reasonable people. Remember they have alot of life experience. And they have a duty of care for you too, sex is a difficult and potentially life changing thing. Even 30, 40 year olds screw up occasionally (pardon the pun).


I can't believe her stepdad didn't kick your ***! He must have the patience of a saint. I would go to him, appologise, be honest about your feelings, and ask if you could discuss all this with him. Maybe get some advice.

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thats what im hoping to do. i respect him and i want him to respect me to. i just want him to know we want to be safe and we love each other and we want to be able to show it when its a good and special time. tonight was not the night to say i want to continue having sex, mainly because he was very pissed at me and shoving the pictures in my face. hes talking with her mom and we will be discussing this before she comes next month. i just need time to think about all this.

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Dude!! Did you ever find out how in the world this guy got ahold of these pictures or film online? I mean...there are TONS of porn websites out there...how on earth did he find it? Either it must've been posted on a free porn website...or this guy who found it...paid a subscription of amateur porn and found it on an amateur porn site.


something else for you to think of...and this is pretty evil for revenge against the friend of the stepdad...(take at your own risk) But...if he (or any adult for that matter) still has the pictures or video....you could have him arrested for child pornography..(basically anything under 18 years of age is illegal by U.S. laws)

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This sounds SOOOOO fishy. How in the world, out of the billions of pornography sites found on the internet, would your stepfather's "friend" happen to stumble upon one resembling you and your girlfriend? And for that matter, how was a voyeur able to get camera footage of reasonable quality to determine it was you or not? I for one am completely surprised her stepfather didn't kick your ***, or at the very least tell your parents. Again, this sounds down-right suspicious to me.

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Sounds like there's a chance you could have been followed. If you love your gf and you say you do, then I would tell her and decide what to do together. Her dad sounds like the parents in "Meet the Parents." UGH!


What would your own parents think or do if they knew that you were having sex with your gf?

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