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Hiding a web cam to film wife

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My wife likes to masturbate but doesn't like to talk about it and sees it as a very private thing, I only found out she did it for sure after many years of marriage when I found her vibrator.


I would like to set up a web cam to film this for myself just to see how she does it and admit this turns me on a lot.


I don't want to share this video with anyone else and would never be able to tell her I have done this and haven't done anything like this before.


I don't think of myself as a pervert or anything, would this make me a pervert? Am I completely out of order for even concidering this sort of thing?

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I understand how you feel, my fiancee feels it is private too. When we were starting out, I was able to watch, but not so much anymore.


I don't think it's right for you to secretly film her. She's told you it is private to her, thereforeeee you should accept that and respect her wishes. Imagine if she found the film?

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You're not out of order thinking this, but you will be out of order following it through.

If you really want to watch her, suggest that she bought a vibrator and used it during sex. Maybe it's something she would like to do too. If she says no, respect her privacy and maybe bring it up again some months down the line.

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NO WAY!!! You can't invade someone elses privacy, wife or not.


Sheesh, I can't imagine how she would feel if she ever found out, but man, I think upset might be an understatement.


I agree with those who suggested maybe asking her to do it while your together, she might just feel that you might find it a bit off-putting, some men don't like to see their partner plasuring themselves, but for God's sake, if she does don't sit there drooling like a perv will you

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Hi Bethany,


I have tried to get her to talk about the experience and to perhaps use it when we make love but she just isn't interested in doing this at all. To her it is a private thing and she tries to say she doesn't even use it.


As I said before, I only found out about it recently and we have been married for 10 years. She always said she had never masturbated in her life until I found this out. Her problem I guess.

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Hi Bethany,


I have tried to get her to talk about the experience and to perhaps use it when we make love but she just isn't interested in doing this at all. To her it is a private thing and she tries to say she doesn't even use it.


As I said before, I only found out about it recently and we have been married for 10 years. She always said she had never masturbated in her life until I found this out. Her problem I guess.


OK, to the point. Most women do not masturbate unless horny. Women 30+ are especially horny.

Many young girls do not talk at all. My father never made my mother orgasm and she was very bitter about it - I knew about her frustrations about age 12. She travelled Europe as an opair in the 50s and was very experienced. thereforeee, I am sensitive to the issue.


Look at it like this, likely she does not orgasm with you but by masturbating. She does not want you to see it because she is shy about this special experience by herself and maybe also dissatisfied (to say the least) at your sexlife together.


You want to first discuss with her about whether she orgasms. Then try to please her oraly until she gets off.


You can search the forum for common keywords, there are many good threads.


Please be patient and kind, once you satisfy her, she can't get enough of you.


Edited Changed: "unless grossly dissatisfied" to "unless horny". And "hard affected" to "horny". My appologies for overemphasizing. I am just a guy after all.

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Yeah, my thoughts immedietly went to more of what nottoogreen is talking about.


Basically, forget this whole filming dealy and get to pleasuring your wife. 10 yrs of marriage and she can not talk to you about masturbation?! That's just brutal.


Yoyeurism is not the way to go. She's your wife. Get talking and surprising her with goodies (you going out of your way to make a safe, fun environment in the bedroom and out).


You may open an emotional can of worms. it'd be worth it. good luck.

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That is absolutly rediculous that your wife doesn't want you to see her masturbate. The very fact that your married you shoudl be so close you can see each other do anything.


Ask her, but that is just weird if she doesn't want you to see. Would she make you turn away so you couldn't see her come face??


That is just strange to me she is acting embarrassed like. I can see if you want to watch all the time that is stupid, but just a few times.

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Some women are raised to believe that masterbation is dirty and wrong. She may feel extremely embaressed over the fact she does it at all. I think that filming her is not only an invasion of privacy but if I personally were to discover someone I loved was secretly videotaping moments in my life that I thought were private, I would feel violated and the trust would be gone. I think it would make me distance myself from them, emotionally and physically.

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As far as I can tell, and I have asked her lots of times about this, she has orgasms with me. We have a good sex life and she enjoys it, she orgasms easily and I don't think she fakes it, she has always said to me what would be the point of faking it, she would just be cheating herself out of pleasure so why would she do it. I have know reason to believe she is lying to me but is painfully shy about the masturbation thing.


I masturbate sometimes but doesn't mean I don't enjoy making love to my wife, you are making me feel paranoid now.

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Sorry onmyownagain,


Masturbating successfully for women is much harder than for us. Any woman will prefer a lover as long as she can succeed with him.


Please do not be offended or worried, we learn here.


Please put your own needs aside for a while and learn how to make her happy, which will add a new dimension to your relationship.


Again, please be patient and kind, once you satisfy her, she can't get enough of you and you can experience so much more together than by sneaking up on her and wanking to it.

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Does this mean that a woman who masturbates when she has a partner is not satisfied with his performance? Hope this isn't true, had lots of partners over the years and seem lots of them masturbate.


Only my wife has been so strange about it, again, I am sure she isn't faking it with me, I spend a lot of time on my lovemaking with lots of foreplay etc. and have had plenty of satisfied lovers in my life, I am not some 16 year old who hasn't a clue.

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I do not want to argue it, talking to her will give you the only definite answer.


When I am on a trip > 1 week, I masturbate and my gf does too.


Otherwise she does not and me neither.


There are (virgin) teens around here which even plan their first time together. I do learn from teens too.

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OK, here comes the mother of all embarrassment *turning redder by the millisecond*


My husband and I have been together for 16 years. It's only over the past 3 years I have "openly" masturbated for him, mainly because I felt like a freak. I never masturbated because I was dissatisfied as we have a great sex life, it was because I was highly aroused and he wasn't here to "relieve" me.


Of course, my explanation doesn't cover all women's reasoning, but yes, I was also brought up to believe that self satisfaction was dirty and a betrayal of your husbands "duties"............I learned that that was a load of twoddle.


My husband is extremely comfortable with my entertainment but finds it hard to masturbate in front of me, but that's his choice and I would never dream of putting pressure on him to do it. He's honest enough to tell me that he does masturbate, but horses for courses, if he likes it private then so-be-it!

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Most women do not masturbate unless grossly dissatisfied. Women 30+ are especially hard affected.

Masturbating successfully for women is much harder than for us. Any woman will prefer a lover as long as she can succeed with him.

Woah fella,


I don't know what women you've been dealing with, but personally I enjoy masturbation quite a bit, both with and without my boyfriend. He is VERY satisfying to me and I am not in the least dissatisfied with our sex life, let alone GROSSLY dissatisfied. Most women I know also supplement their sex lives with masturbation, and not because they are not satisfied by their partners, but because it is pleasurable and enjoyable and why not?


It's not hard to masturbate successfully either. We know our bodies better than anyone and know what kind of touches work more quickly and more intensely.


Just wondering what lead you to say such statements....

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Oh and to the OP,


Everyone else pretty much covered what I wanted to say, that you have already asked your wife and she told you this private for her, and so recording her without her knowledge is a gross violation of her privacy and a big NO NO.

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