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Within the past year my personality has done a complete 360. I used to be the shy and quiet type, but now that is completely gone. Who I am now is a cocky stuck up guy. I find myself looking in the mirror and not recognizing the reflection. I catch myself thinking about who I am now and seeing how different I am. I liked the way I was before but at the same time I want this attention. But thats leading me down a different path and I can't help it. Whats going through my mind here?

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Yea, it's because you are going through the process of what it's called "Overcoming shyness" and often times, being confident is confuse. You don't have to be a stuck nor try to get everyone's attention to let them know you're confident, they might end up ignoring you and noticing what's your real personality within you. You're not the only one going through this, sometimes I go a little off lines and may begin acting sorta like a snob when I'm not, use to be shy just like you. When you start to feel you're acting inappropriately among people, remember about self-control.

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lol let me start off by picking on you a little bit. If you did a complete 360, you would be back where you started in the first place. Which would mean that you'd be shy again. Doing a 180 would be more correct. heh


Now that i've got that out of the way, i'm going throught the exact same thing right now actually. I find myself saying the most cocky things around people and make myself look like a complete jerk. But the key is to do it in a way that is kind of funny and cocky. When you present it this way, the person who you are speaking to doesn't really know whether or not you are being for real. Plus it's funny.


This phase will pass. I'm getting better now myself. I've learned when and how to be cocky and when and how to be more modest. Just don't do it to be an * * *.


Sometimes, not trying to be cocky or confident actually shows it more. And on the other hand, sometimes being too cocky and confident appears fake and that you are only doing it to hide your own insecurities. Just don't worry about it, when you 'get it' you'll 'get it' and understand what you need to do. But you've made the right step into transforming yourself from a shy wussy to a confident man. G'luck.

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Your post made me think of the quote, "We're gonna turn this team around 360 degrees!"


And I was going to try to give advice, but I think what CamaroJoe said was pretty good.


Also 2 things: (1) Don't pretend that you aren't vulnerable. Because everyone is, and if you keep doing the "I'm this cocky guy who won't get hurt by whatever you say about me" act, then eventually the people around you are going to figure out that it's all just an act, and that you're just hiding your insecurities. I'm not saying that you do this -- but if you are, then don't act invincible. Because you aren't.


And (2) don't be afraid to show that you care about someone. I can't emphasize this enough. If you act like you couldn't care less about what happened to your friend, then (unless they're like you), they won't be your friend for much longer. Again, I'm not saying that you do this -- just mentioning it in case you are doing this.


I knew a guy who did the cocky, stuck-up thing. But he did it in a way that was funny. I actually liked him, until he failed to do (1) and (2), and those were what totally killed it for me.

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thats one thing that annoys me with people... not that anyones brought it up, i just thought id take it upon myself to randomly place it out there.....


that people think.. "shy" people arent comfortable with themselves.. how annoying is that. me and my twin are completely different.. shed be considered shy and i dont know what id be considered. but she is well comfortable with it..



anyway im off track a little. if you look at yourself and dont even recognise your reflection then the attention your getting isnt for you anyway, its some falsee image that youve created. you need to decide what you do want and what you dont..


im supposing what you do want is to be yourself and a happy medium **smiles**


i just think maybe you should do another 90' turn and hope you come back to the middle. maybe thatll make you happy.


if you recognise something you dislike.. you alter it right? well go for it.. no harm in that

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