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A basic knowledge of human muscle structure, a firm set of hands and confidence are the three key ingrediants, or so I've found in the past.


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If you dont mind a read, Wikipedia is your best friend for questions like this =)

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its my friends birthday in just over a week. I was thinking of giving her a massage because its quite intimate but not necessarily sexual. Problem is im clueless.

what makes a good massage?

what kinda oil is best and what scent?

any help is greatly appreciated


Are you sure she'll accept one if you offer?


I would personally be a little creeped out if anyone other than my gf offered me a body massage.


If you're not sure, you can always get her a gift cert. to a spa or massage parlor.




But to your topic; a good massage should be from head to feet. Oil is a must, but remember to warm it in your hand before apply it to her body.


Try to get the ignored parts of her body, like calfs, thighs, base of the neck.


Also try rubbing her temples.


Google for massage techniques for a better explination.

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the relationship is a bit complex we arnt bf and gf but we'v had baths together and regularly both sleep in my bed. ill try and offer it in a way that makes it easy for her to say no if she does feel a bit weird about it.


thanks for all the help so far. couple more questions:


what areas do people particularly like being massaged?

and what sort of scent is good for relaxation?

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But to your topic; a good massage should be from head to feet. Oil is a must, but remember to warm it in your hand before apply it to her body.


Actually, when I'm preparing to give a massage, I put the oil bottle in a bowl of hot water.


I've done some reading on massage, and one thing I remember from my reading is that you should ALWAYS have one hand on the person you're massaging. If you're pouring massage oil into your hand before putting it on her skin, have the hand you're pouring it into laying palm up on her back.


Also, when I give massages, I start with the back and I move to the neck and shoulders, and then massage down the arms all the way to the hands and fingers, massaging toward the tips of the fingers like pushing the tension out the fingertips. I do the same with the legs (down to the toes), but if you two aren't dating, I don't know if she'll be comfortable with a massage that goes below the waist.


You have to use pressure in a massage for it to be effective, but it's important not to use too much pressure. The key in finding the right level of pressure is simply trying things out and asking her "does that feel okay? I'm not pressing to hard, am I?"


I've found that on the back, circular pressure with fingertips or thumbs goes over pretty well from the lower back all the way up (in small oval shaped rotations, the size of a bar of soap, perhaps).


Also, if she's comfortable with it, dim lighting (candles are great) and soothing music help in the relaxation process.


Wow, I talk a lot...I hope I helped!

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the relationship is a bit complex we arnt bf and gf but we'v had baths together and regularly both sleep in my bed. ill try and offer it in a way that makes it easy for her to say no if she does feel a bit weird about it.


thanks for all the help so far. couple more questions:


what areas do people particularly like being massaged?

and what sort of scent is good for relaxation?


The upper and lower back hold a lot of tension, and so does the butt and the neck.


Scents - I think lavender is supposed to be a calming scent. Check out the wikipedia link someone gave earlier, and maybe google "massage scents" to find some good suggestions.

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I wouldn't find it awkward at all if I were offered that. Even as a guy. We used to do that a lot backpacking. Helped relieve tension.


My problem is that if we were alone, I would always get a very rock hard erection. It didn't matter if I were giving a massage or receiving one (more trouble with that giving one). I would always have to explain myself then apologize. After that things were fine =D


I don't think I could ever straddle a woman even in the slightest without getting very hard. Especially if it was someone I had never been with before.


Thanks for starting the topic. I wanted to learn more about how to do this myself and definitely am going to give wiki a good read.


I think maybe the best way to learn is through experience. My preference would be to learn through a trained professional.

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