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I'm Worried About Her

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Think I may have posted once before about my friend Amy...the situation hasn't changed since then.


Ok, she recently broke up with her on/off long-term boyfriend C. They are still friends and still 'love' each other.


This guy is sooo wrong for her though. He cheats on her, hits her and is generally aggressive.


Last night we went to a party but left early because it wasn't too good, then we walked up to the village pubs. C came with us although he wasn't invited. Also, B came aswell, who totally loves Amy and would do anything for her.


So what happened was C got annoyed 'cos B was there and he completely flipped with Amy for no reason really. He started punching the shutters of the local shop and shouting at her. Then at the end of the night he punched a bus stop and smashed all of the glass in it.


He is unbelievably awful to her and she knows it. She knows she deserves better. We've all told her MILLIONS of times just to get rid of him but she doesn't listen. Even her mum doesn't know what to do now. She's banned him from the house and everything.


I just want her to be happy again and the only way this can happen is to get rid of him. But how?? Oh, it's making me so upset for her..and for B 'cos none of this is his fault. Amy totally leads him on


Also, my dad picked me up and saw C smashing the bus stop up and he was like "you're not going out with this lot if HE is there". But most of the time Amy invites him. So if she does this I can't go which means I'll see less of her.


Has anyone ever been in this situation? How can I make her see sense?

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Wow, this sounds just like my friend's situation; except she married the bastard! My friend used to be so bubbly and upbeat and generally loved life. She married this guy and he's cheated on her, hit her, called her names..etc. He's just plain awful. She got a place of her own a couple months ago, but she kept in contact with him, invited him over, basically stuff you are not supposed to to when you're trying to heal. She just made it worse for herself. Now she never leaves the house, smokes pot all day, doesn't go to work or class. I want my friend back but I'm at my end's rope, I can't help her anymore. It's like she's a glutton for punishment. She just doesn't listen to any of my advice. I try to take her out to lunch, or go do something fun but she'd rather sit at home and cry and smoke pot. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do now. I miss my friend..and I don't know if I should be pulling out my hair or hers. Is this your friends first real relationship? It's my friends first real one, so she never learned what not to do. Maybe or friends need to go through this pain to learn a very valuable lesson. I've been there, as well as other people. If you can, buy her a book called "It's Called a Breakup Because It's Broken." I just recently read it and it really helped me, and I plan on giving it to my friend..that is if I can ever get her out of her shell.

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