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Girlfriend masturbating for first time

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Hey, i have a slightly long distant relationship and we both love eachother very much, we see eachother as often as we can (which isnt very much ) Anyway, we talk alot via internet and texting and she is recently started feeling horny. She told me she feels good when talking to me and she has tried masturbating once when she was younger but it didnt work out then. She wants to try it again but doesnt know how. Any suggestions would be great...thanks.

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Tell her to go into the bathroom and explore herself for a while! And tell her it's a great way to know how her body works ... seriously, there's a lot of women of alllllll ages who don't have a clue how their body works, much less know they have 3 holes down there!!!


She can just look at herself, she doesn't need to start touching herself, but just get familiar with the "area". Even get some anatomy book and see if she can locate the areas.


And tell her not to stress over it.

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I don't know, I'm a little worried about putting stuff inside me that isn't ... well a penis, finger or a dildo. Though I do have a vibrator my friends gave me 2 years ago and a gag brithday give ... but it works great!


It's similar to this link removed


And they got it at spencers gifts which wouldn't make you feel totally weird going in and buying stuff.


I'd say she should just start with her fingers ... inserting things inside her maybe be a bit much for her since she's never done it. I've heard people using bananas or other "long" veggies or fruits.

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Tell her first off to RELAX. Like before going to bed when she's about to doze off is usually good (if she doesn't share a room) and just do what feels good. No rush, just experiment.


I agree with the others, I would not recommend her trying to use anything. Most women do not orgasm from penetration alone. The clitoral orgasms are the easiest to achieve, especially if she hasn't tried it before. Vibrators and toys do make it easier, but she needs to explore herself. I believe knowing what works for you is SO important. How can she expect someone to please her in bed when she has no idea where to begin? Good luck, tell her not to give up!

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