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Right i'm gonna start by telling you my plans for the week then go into the problem.


This afternoon, I have an interview at a solicitors for a job - I have to make a good impression.


Tomorrow night I have my friends party to attend - so obviously I have to look pretty.


Saturday I'm going to a big fun fair with my friend, her sort of boyfriend and a guy who likes me so I need to look nice for this guy.


Next Monday I have another job interview at a top class law firm who really want me - so once again I have to be smart and make a good impression.


Next Friday I have another job interview - have to make a good impression.


Next Sunday I have my prom and obviously need to look drop dead gorgeous lol.




My face was gradually getting clearer, looked practically clear when I had my makeup on.


Last night my mum said "why don't you put a bit of tooth paste on your spots to dry them out". So I did. I probably put a bit too much on but I didn't think anything about it.


I was gonna wash it off before I went to bed but before I knew it, I had fallen asleep and it was morning.


So, I went in the shower and washed it off and got out, looked into the mirror and BOOM. My face looks AWFUL. It's all red and bumpy and looks totally bad. I just want to cry. I have all of the above occasions to attend and I need to look good. OK, so it shouldn't matter about my looks but when I know I look like this, I feel horrible. I just want to cry.


I know when I apply my makeup it will look a little better but right now...ahh...it just looks terrible!!!


Does anyone know any quick tips to get the redness down for this afternoon and to help clear it up fast for the rest of these 2 weeks.


I'm gutted

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If you loved, believed and supported yourself, you wouldn't give a damn about what other people think of your looks. You and them should love you unconditionally, what the hell is up with the (i have too look pretty) , if tomorrow you lose your face in the flames of some car accident, would that make you stop from living? Its nice to be beautifull , but its more beautifull to be nice. So stop worrying about your face, but yeah people judge on looks, keep in mind that they are narrow minded and unable to see the beauty inside of people.


You don't have to look nice for anyone, and especially not for selfish reasons. If you want to look beautifull to make other people happy without a selfish tainted background, fine with me. But what you are writing down here is just garbage, because you will do fine with all these things if you love,believe and support yourself.


Those spots ,well just don't eat junk food, and keep sporting and it will go away.

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It did rather strike me how you feel you have to look nice or whatever for other people.


For one week, even a couple of days, wear bland clothes and no makeup. Don't even brush your hair.


I did this, and found it liberating.


2 years on, I still do it. Daily.


First of all, looking good makes me feel more confident. I have gone 2 weeks with no makeup and it just got me down when I looked in the mirror.


Second of all, robowarrior, I'm not wanting to look nice for other people really, it's for myself. When i look good, i'm happy and enjoy myself more.


And I did say that people SHOULDN'T judge you by your looks but they do and that is really sad.

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