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I'm in a predicament and would like help

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I'm new here and I just figured I'd ask this to see if anyone had some advice.


I'm a moral guy. I haven't been in too many relationships because of that, and because of that also, only one intimate one. I haven't been in a relationship, nor had a date, for about a year now (my technique is probably a little rusty ^_^) Anyway the thing is I'm having a moral battle with myself. I miss the intimacy with a woman. I also miss some of the sexual benefits of being with a woman like making out, fingering her, etc... The thing is I miss them quite a bit. Should I go against my morals and consult one of my female friends for some TLC or should I just stick it out until I get into another relationship? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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When it comes to morals my friend, it comes from within. I am personally a pretty moral guy although there's not much of a religious base behind it. On the other hand, when it comes to being intimate with a woman and you're not in a relationship, I feel that it would only be immoral if you were lying to them about your intentions. If you have a female friend who you can be completely and 100% open with, not have to lie about what you are looking for, and they say they are on the same page, then I personally do not feel it's immoral. On the other hand, friends with "benefits" is tricky ground. Most of the time one gets attached to the other and wants more. Honesty throughout the entire process, 100% honesty, at least, in my opinion, keeps your morals in line.

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If your morals are that important to you then stick with them. If you cave in and give in, then you feel bad that you did. I know how hard it is to wait and how hard it is to stick with those morals, but if they are that important to you (which they seem to be), then I said wait...

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Well...I'm glad you wrote. I'm also a moral guy...and around your age...I hadn't dealt with many girlfriends at all...although I was one hot guy...I just didn't date( if you want to believe that).


You can't just give up on your morals because you'll find that they are more important than all of that other stuff. When you're older...you'll need to be able to look back on your past and feel good about it...without that...you'll find that you'll continue to progress along the line of unclean behaviors.


Having have said that...what you should start doing is looking for a real partner. You don't want to just get a girl because you wish to have sex with her and or simply kiss her. You know quite clearly that that would be wrong. So what you should do is find a woman that you think you'd like for real...and that you're thinking of sticking with...maybe later for marriage.


Once in that relationship...going at a minimum level would be appropriate...as your morals dictate.

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